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[英]unable to select from drop-down with firefox (works in Chrome)

What I want to do is be able to select from the drop-down menu without the accordion changing. 我想做的是能够从下拉菜单中选择而不改变手风琴。 This works in Chrome. 这适用于Chrome。 However, when I was trying it in Firefox, it no longer worked. 但是,当我在Firefox中尝试时,它不再起作用。

Here is my jsfiddle. 是我的jsfiddle。

Why does this not work in Firefox? 为什么这在Firefox中不起作用?

I believe that it is this code that is causing the problem (dropdowns without the selectOne class work fine): 我相信是导致此问题的代码(没有selectOne类的下拉列表工作正常):

$(function () {
    return false;

Try to upload the linked libraries. 尝试上传链接的库。 Have you linked the plugin. 您是否链接了插件。 Accordian is a jQuery Plugin, not just jQuery. Accordian是一个jQuery插件,而不仅仅是jQuery。

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