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[英]Compile Dynamic Content as embedded resource in a xap file

I'm writing a silverlight client that will be used as a player in a SCORM export to LMS. 我正在编写一个Silverlight客户端,它将用作SCORM导出到LMS的播放器。

This player will need to access Dynamic Content like images, audio files and video files. 该播放器将需要访问动态内容,例如图像,音频文件和视频文件。 (since it is dynamic, we cannot manually compile these as embedded resources). (由于它是动态的,因此我们不能手动将它们编译为嵌入式资源)。 Scorm however does NOT allow remote connections. 但是,Scorm不允许远程连接。 Which means we will have to push the resources to the client. 这意味着我们将不得不把资源推给客户。

Now for the question: Is there a way to add dynamic content to a xap file at runtime (at the moment we create the SCORM package) ? 现在要解决的问题是:有没有一种方法可以在运行时将动态内容添加到xap文件中(目前,我们创建了SCORM包)?

If my question is unclear please don't hesitate to tell me so :) 如果我的问题不清楚,请不要犹豫告诉我:)

Thnx ! 谢谢!

Even though the SCORM documentation makes it clear that it doesn't allow remote connections, The CMS doesn't block it. 即使SCORM文档明确表明它不允许远程连接,CMS也不会阻止它。 So silverlight can still load the external resources ;-) 因此,silverlight仍然可以加载外部资源;-)

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