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[英]Rewrite rules for apache

Given this link: localhost/app/forms/enroll.php. 给定此链接:localhost / app / forms / enroll.php。 I want it to render when i access /register. 我希望它在我访问/注册时呈现。

For example: localhost/register will display localhost/app/forms/enroll.php 例如:localhost / register将显示localhost / app / forms / enroll.php

so basically I have this code: 所以基本上我有这段代码:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule register app/forms/enroll.php

In my code I have a call to localhost/enroll.php which i would want to redirect to /app/enroll.php but then I want to display the link (localhost/register) again. 在我的代码中,我有一个对localhost / enroll.php的调用,我想将其重定向到/app/enroll.php,但随后我想再次显示链接(localhost / register)。

So i need to call back again the RewriteRule i made above. 因此,我需要再次调用上面创建的RewriteRule。

adding this rule doesn't work 添加此规则不起作用

RewriteRule enroll.php register [R]

also this one 还有这个

RewriteRule enroll.php app/forms/enroll.php [C]
RewriteRule app/forms/enroll.php register 

note: I need a workaround with this instead of having to change the links in the code. 注意:我需要一种解决方法,而不必更改代码中的链接。 :) :)

If I understood right, you don't have to redirect several times. 如果我理解正确,则不必多次重定向。 Just map silently the first time, like this: 只需在第一时间静默映射,如下所示:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}  !enroll.php         [NC]
RewriteRule ^register/?$  app/forms/enroll.php  [L]

It will redirect silently 它将静默重定向

http://localhost/register (This URL is always shown in the browser) http://localhost/register (此URL始终显示在浏览器中)

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