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[英]Why does locking slow down this sequential file parser?

I wrote a simple reader and parser for a graph file format. 我为图形文件格式编写了一个简单的阅读器和解析器。 The problem is that it is incredibly slow. 问题是它非常慢。 Here are the relevant methods: 以下是相关方法:

Graph METISGraphReader::read(std::string path) {
    METISParser parser(path);
    std::pair<int64_t, int64_t> header = parser.getHeader();
    int64_t n = header.first;
    int64_t m = header.second;

    Graph G(n);

    node u = 0;
    while (parser.hasNext()) {
        u += 1;
        std::vector<node> adjacencies = parser.getNext();
        for (node v : adjacencies) {
            if (! G.hasEdge(u, v)) { 
                G.insertEdge(u, v);
    return G;

std::vector<node> METISParser::getNext() {
    std::string line;
    bool comment = false;
    do {
        comment = false;
        std::getline(this->graphFile, line);
        // check for comment line starting with '%'
        if (line[0] == '%') {
            comment = true;
            TRACE("comment line found");
        } else {
            return parseLine(line);

    } while (comment);

static std::vector<node> parseLine(std::string line) {
    std::stringstream stream(line);
    std::string token;
    char delim = ' ';
    std::vector<node> adjacencies;

    // split string and push adjacent nodes
    while (std::getline(stream, token, delim)) {
        node v = atoi(token.c_str());
    return adjacencies;

To diagnose why it is so slow, I ran it in a profiler (Apple Instruments). 为了诊断它为什么这么慢,我在一个分析器(Apple Instruments)中运行它。 The results were surprising: It's slow because of locking overhead. 结果令人惊讶:由于锁定开销,它很慢。 The program spends over 90% of its time in pthread_mutex_lock and _pthread_cond_wait . 该程序将超过90%的时间花在pthread_mutex_lock_pthread_cond_wait


I have no idea where the locking overhead comes from, but I need to get rid of it. 我不知道锁定开销来自哪里,但我需要摆脱它。 Can you suggest next steps? 你能建议下一步吗?

EDIT: See the call stack expanded for _pthread_con_wait . 编辑:查看为_pthread_con_wait扩展的调用堆栈。 I cannot figure out the source of the locking overhead by looking at this: 通过查看这个,我无法弄清楚锁定开销的来源:


Expand the call stack on the _pthread_cond_wait and pthread_mutex_lock calls to find out where the locking calls are invoked from. 展开_pthread_cond_wait和pthread_mutex_lock调用上的调用堆栈,以找出调用锁定调用的位置。

As a guess I'm going to say it's in all the unnecessary heap allocations you're doing. 作为一个猜测,我会说它在你所做的所有不必要的堆分配中。 The heap is a thread safe resource and on this platform the thread safety could be provided via mutexes. 堆是一个线程安全的资源,在这个平台上,线程安全可以通过互斥锁提供。

All functions that read data from an istream will lock a mutex, read data from a streambuf and unlock the mutex . istream读取数据的所有函数都将锁定mutex,streambuf读取数据并解锁mutex To eliminate that overhead, read the file directly from the streambuf instead of the istream and don't use stringstream to parse the data. 要消除这种开销,请直接从streambuf而不是istream读取文件,不要使用stringstream来解析数据。

Here is a version of getline that uses streambuf instead of istream 这是一个使用streambuf而不是istreamgetline版本

bool fastGetline(streambuf* sb, std::string& t)
    for(;;) {
        int c = sb->sbumpc();
        switch (c) {
        case '\n':
            return true;
        case '\r':
            if(sb->sgetc() == '\n')
            return true;
        case EOF:
            return !t.empty();
            t += (char)c;

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