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Tortoise SVN Commit 默认取消选中

[英]Tortoise SVN Commit uncheck by default

I was wondering if there is a way to set the checkbox default setting to not checked/none when you try to commit files into the repository.我想知道当您尝试将文件提交到存储库时,是否有办法将复选框默认设置设置为未选中/无。 The default setting for commit is set to check all, but I would like to avoid running into the scenario where I accidentally check in items by mistake.提交的默认设置设置为检查所有,但我想避免遇到我不小心错误地签入项目的情况。 Is there a way to configure the setup for SVN to uncheck the boxes when you first hit the commit button?当您第一次点击提交按钮时,有没有办法配置 SVN 的设置以取消选中这些框?

Simple, you have the option here很简单,你可以在这里选择

Menu Settings -> Dialog 2 -> Select Items Automatically = uncheck菜单设置 -> 对话框 2 -> 自动选择项目 = 取消选中


A really cool feature I found today that is also a solution for the problem described.我今天发现的一个非常酷的功能也是所描述问题的解决方案。 It's possible to check or un-check multiple items at once.可以一次选中或取消选中多个项目。

If you select items in the list (maybe all by pressing Alt + A ), you can change the check on the selection.如果您选择列表中的项目(可能全部通过按Alt + A ),您可以更改对选择的检查。 Just click on one item contained within the selection.只需单击选择中包含的一项。





You can uncheck specific files by default using a special changelist named ignore-on-commit .默认情况下,您可以使用名为ignore-on-commit的特殊更改列表取消选中特定文件。

  • In the Commit dialog, perform (on a file with changes) Right click > Move to changelist .在 Commit 对话框中,执行(对具有更改的文件) Right click > Move to changelist
  • Name the changelist ignore-on-commit将更改列表命名为ignore-on-commit

The next time you open the Commit dialog, the file will be unselected.下次打开“提交”对话框时,将取消选择该文件。

This works also in IntelliJ etc.这也适用于 IntelliJ 等。

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