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[英]Copy TabControl Tab

I searched the internet for this but i couldn't find how to do it with C# 我在互联网上搜索了这个,但我找不到如何用C#做到这一点

What i am trying to do is make it so that when i click on my NewTab button, a new tab appears with the same controls that were on the first tab. 我想要做的就是这样,当我点击我的NewTab按钮时,会出现一个新选项卡,其中包含第一个选项卡上的相同控件。 I saw some information on how to add a UserControl to your form, but C# doesn't have anything like that. 我看到了一些关于如何向表单添加UserControl信息,但C#没有这样的东西。

And for everyone who would say "Post your code", i don't have any, so don't bother saying that, the only code i have is the code for the program and that wouldn't help anyone. 对于每个会说“发布你的代码”的人,我都没有,所以不要说这个,我唯一的代码是程序的代码,这对任何人都无济于事。


I have rewritten my solution to use reflection. 我已经重写了我的解决方案以使用反射。

using System.Reflection;

// your TabControl will be defined in your designer
TabControl tc;
// as will your original TabPage
TabPage tpOld = tc.SelectedTab;

TabPage tpNew = new TabPage();
foreach(Control c in tpOld.Controls)
    Control cNew = (Control) Activator.CreateInstance(c.GetType());

    PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(c);

    foreach (PropertyDescriptor entry in pdc)
        object val = entry.GetValue(c);
        entry.SetValue(cNew, val);

    // add control to new TabPage


Some information can be found here. 有些信息可以在这里找到。 http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/12976/How-to-Clone-Serialize-Copy-Paste-a-Windows-Forms http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/12976/How-to-Clone-Serialize-Copy-Paste-a-Windows-Forms

Your best bet would be to look at this article: 你最好的选择是看看这篇文章:

Code Project 代码项目

Then apply the following code to add the cloned control (this would be in your button click handler code (based on article): 然后应用以下代码添加克隆控件(这将在您的按钮单击处理程序代码中(基于文章):

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // create new tab
        TabPage tp = new TabPage();

        // iterate through each control and clone it
        foreach (Control c in this.tabControl1.TabPages[0].Controls)
            // clone control (this references the code project download ControlFactory.cs)
            Control ctrl = CtrlCloneTst.ControlFactory.CloneCtrl(c);
            // now add it to the new tab
            // set bounds to size and position
            ctrl.SetBounds(c.Bounds.X, c.Bounds.Y, c.Bounds.Width, c.Bounds.Height);

        // now add tab page

Then you would need to hook the event handlers up. 然后你需要挂钩事件处理程序。 Will have to think about this. 将不得不考虑这一点。

I know it's an old thread but I just figured out a way for myself and thought I should share it. 我知道这是一个老线程,但我只是为自己想办法,并认为我应该分享它。 It's really simple and tested in .Net 4.6. 它非常简单并且在.Net 4.6中进行了测试。

Please note that this solution does not actually create new controls, just re-assigns them all to new TabPage, so you have to use AddRange each time you change tabs. 请注意,此解决方案实际上并不创建新控件,只是将它们全部重新分配给新的TabPage,因此每次更改选项卡时都必须使用AddRange。 New tab will show the exact same controls, content and values included. 新选项卡将显示完全相同的控件,内容和值。

// Create an array and copy controls from first tab to it.
Array tabLayout = new Control [numberOfControls];
YourTabControl.TabPages[0].Controls.CopyTo(tabLayout, 0);

// AddRange each time you change a tab.

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