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[英]Why am getting a MultipleObjectsReturned error inside a try block?

Any help on this one would great. 对这一个的任何帮助都会很棒。 I'm using python 2.7 and django 1.2 Here's my code: 我正在使用python 2.7和django 1.2这是我的代码:

for save in saved: #list to iterate
        sect = obj.get(name=save) #obj is a RelatedManager
    except: #if two sections have the same name
        sect = obj.filter(name=save)
        #finish my code

I get a MultipleObjectsReturned error everytime when it hits the get() statement. 每次遇到get()语句时,我都会收到MultipleObjectsReturned错误。 I'm no expert at python so I imagine I missed something simple. 我不是python的专家所以我想我错过了一些简单的东西。

Two objects have the name values equal to the value of save 两个对象的name值等于save的值

When using get and there are more than 1 row returned it raises MultipleObjectsReturned 当使用get并且返回的行超过1行时,它会引发MultipleObjectsReturned

I think you should catch this explicitly because your except as it stands will also catch DoesNotExist errors (and all oteher errors) 我认为你应该明确地抓住这个,因为你的DoesNotExist除了它还会捕获DoesNotExist错误(和所有的错误)

    from django.core.exceptions import MultipleObjectsReturned

        sect = obj.get(name=save) #obj is a RelatedManager
    except MultipleObjectsReturned: #if two sections have the same name
        sect = obj.filter(name=save)[0]
        #finish my code

Because you have more than 1 record in the database with name=save. 因为您在数据库中有多个记录,其中name = save。 Use filter() and get the one at index 0 if you want just one or properly handle that case separately . 使用filter()并获取索引为0的那个,如果你只需要一个或分别正确处理该情况。

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