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侦听WPF TextBlock控件的Text属性中的更改

[英]Listening to changes in the Text property of the WPF TextBlock control

For a WPF TextBlock, setting the TextTrimming to TextTrimming.CharacterEllipsis will cause it to automatically cut off the text before it overflows and add some ellipses to the end. 对于WPF TextBlock,将TextTrimming设置为TextTrimming.CharacterEllipsis将导致它在文本溢出之前自动切断文本,并在末尾添加一些椭圆。 This article shows how to check if the text is being trimmed and automatically show the full text in a tooltip when it is. 本文介绍如何检查文本是否被修剪,并在工具提示时自动显示全文。

It does this, without subclassing TextBlock, by registering an event handler that listens to the SizeChanged event: 通过注册侦听SizeChanged事件的事件处理程序,无需子类化TextBlock即可完成此操作:

    typeof( TextBlock ),
    new SizeChangedEventHandler( OnTextBlockSizeChanged ),
    true );

The trouble is, this only reacts to size changed events - it works fine if the text overflows because you shrank the control, but not if it overflows because you changed the text. 麻烦的是,这仅对更改大小的事件起作用-如果由于收缩控件而导致文本溢出,则工作正常,但如果由于更改了文本而导致溢出,则无法正常工作。

Unfortunately, although the TextBlock does have a SizeChangedEvent, it doesn't have a TextChangedEvent. 不幸的是,尽管TextBlock确实具有SizeChangedEvent,但它没有TextChangedEvent。 I thought of listening to the TargetUpdated event: 我想到了听TargetUpdated事件:

    new EventHandler<DataTransferEventArgs>(OnTextBlockTextChanged),

But that didn't have any discernable effect, even with the NotifyOnTargetUpdated property set to true. 但是,即使将NotifyOnTargetUpdated属性设置为true,也没有任何明显的效果。 I also tried overriding the metadata on the TextProperty but it seems that can really only be done in its static constructor - in this case the TextBlock's static constructor. 我还尝试覆盖TextProperty上的元数据,但似乎只能在其静态构造函数中完成-在这种情况下,是TextBlock的静态构造函数。 Is there any way of achieving this without subclassing TextBlock? 没有子类化TextBlock,有什么方法可以实现?

You can use DependencyPropertyDescriptor : 您可以使用DependencyPropertyDescriptor

var descriptor = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(TextBlock.TextProperty, typeof(TextBlock));

PS. PS。 Why on Earth TextBlock does not have an IsTrimmed property is beyond me. 为什么在地球上TextBlock没有IsTrimmed属性,这超出了我的范围。

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