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[英]Why do I get a syntax error when using CAST in MySQL?

I am using MySQL workbench v5.2.44 CE. 我正在使用MySQL workbench v5.2.44 CE。 I am running it against a local MySQL 5.5 install. 我正在针对本地MySQL 5.5安装运行它。

I am trying to use the CAST function, but keep getting the following error: 我正在尝试使用CAST函数,但不断收到以下错误:

syntax error, unexpected INT_SYM 语法错误,意外的INT_SYM

It doesn't matter what the source and target date types are. 源和目标日期类型无关紧要。 The only time it doesn't give me an error is when the target datatype is DECIMAL . 当目标数据类型为DECIMAL时,它唯一没有给出错误的时间。 Here is an example: 这是一个例子:

SELECT CAST(IFNULL(comboCount, 1) * COUNT(partID) AS INT) INTO comboCount
FROM productOption

I have tried everything, but nothing seems to work. 我已经尝试了一切,但似乎没有任何效果。

Try to do the math outside: 尝试在外面做数学:

SELECT CAST(IFNULL(comboCount, 1) AS INT) * COUNT(partID) INTO comboCount
FROM productOption

If that doesn't work, try to CAST as UNSIGNED ; 如果这不起作用,请尝试CASTUNSIGNED ; not INT . 不是INT

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