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[英]Using Android device credentials to access critical part of the app

How do I show lock screen if user tries to access critical part of my application. 如果用户尝试访问应用程序的关键部分,如何显示锁定屏幕。 I want him to be able to access the critical part only if he can then unlock the device using the device credentials. 我希望他只有在随后可以使用设备凭证解锁设备时才能访问关键部分。

You can create a password screen for your application rather then depending on secure lock of android. 您可以为您的应用程序创建一个密码屏幕,而不是依赖于android的安全锁定。 Because you can't manage lock screen on all versions of android. 因为您无法在所有版本的android上管理锁屏。

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