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ZF2 ODM MongoDB“需要登录”

[英]ZF2 ODM MongoDB “need to login”

i'm using ZF2 with ODM and MongoDB. 我将ZF2与ODM和MongoDB结合使用。 When i try to perform very simple tasks like: 当我尝试执行非常简单的任务时,例如:

/** @ODM\Document(collection="Test") */
class Test

I receive the Error "need to login". 我收到错误消息“需要登录”。 Well, i know why this is a problem an i can solve it by using: 好吧,我知道为什么这是一个问题,我可以使用以下方法解决:

/** @ODM\Document(db="mongoDB", collection="Test") */
class Test

Instead of using the db declaration the whole time in every class, is there a way to add config values from the .local/.global config file or can i just reconfigure the configure options? 有没有一种方法可以从.local / .global配置文件中添加配置值,而不是在每个类中始终使用db声明,还是可以重新配置配置选项?

Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。

Have a read through this useful tutorial about implementing Doctrine with ZF2. 通读这篇有关使用ZF2实现Doctrine的有用教程 You should be placing global configuration options in Module.php and config/local.php. 您应该在Module.php和config / local.php中放置全局配置选项。 This array key in Module.php: Module.php中的此数组键:

'doctrine' => array(
        'driver' => array(
            __NAMESPACE__ . '_driver' => array(
                'class' => 'Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver',
                'cache' => 'array',
                'paths' => array(__DIR__ . '/../src/' . __NAMESPACE__ . '/Entity')
            'orm_default' => array(
                'drivers' => array(
                    __NAMESPACE__ . '\Entity' => __NAMESPACE__ . '_driver'

And these DB connection parameters in local.php: 这些在local.php中的数据库连接参数:

return array(
    // ...
    'doctrine' => array(
        'connection' => array(
            'orm_default' => array(
                'driverClass' => 'Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOMySql\Driver',
                'params' => array(
                    'host'     => 'localhost',
                    'port'     => '3306',
                    'user'     => '',
                    'password' => '',
                    'dbname'   => 'zf2tutorial',

This will allow you to avoid repetition in your DB entities, allowing you to use just the following Doctrine declarations for each of your classes: 这将使您避免在数据库实体中重复,从而允许您对每个类仅使用以下Doctrine声明:

 * A music album.
 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="album")
 * @property string $artist
 * @property string $title
 * @property int $id
class Album implements InputFilterAwareInterface {

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