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[英]Find specific HttpGet Action in Controller

Consider the following situation. 考虑以下情况。 In my controller I have: 在我的控制器中,我有:

public ActionResult Edit(int id)

public ActionResult Edit(Model model)

Also I have an ActionFilterAttribute , which applies to some other actions of the same controller. 我也有一个ActionFilterAttribute ,它适用于同一控制器的其他一些动作。 In the OnActionExecuting method I need to get the ActionDescriptor of the HttpGet Edit action: OnActionExecuting方法中,我需要获取HttpGet Edit操作的ActionDescriptor

public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
    // as this is called from the same controller, I use
    ActionDescriptor action = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor
             .FindAction(filterContext.Controller.ControllerContext, "Edit");

The problem is, that the FindAction method returns "reference" to the HttpPost Edit action in case of POST requests. 问题是,在POST请求的情况下, FindAction方法将“引用”返回到HttpPost Edit操作。 How do I make it to look only for HttpGet actions? 如何使其仅查找HttpGet操作?

You can use maybe attribute ? 您可以使用maybe属性吗?

public class FooAttribute


public ActionResult Edit(int id)

you can check OnActionExecution; 您可以检查OnActionExecution; example; 例;

var isHasAttribute= filterContext.ActionDescriptor.IsDefined(typeof(FooAttribute), true);

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