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[英]Neo4j Drawbacks

So I am putting together a report on Neo4j and it's potential advantages over your average relational database. 所以我正在整理一份关于Neo4j的报告,它比你的平均关系数据库有潜在的优势。 In my research, I've encountered a couple issues that might not make Neo4j the best choice at the present for a public server application. 在我的研究中,我遇到了一些问题,这些问题可能无法使Neo4j成为目前公共服务器应用程序的最佳选择。 Namely: 即:

  • Neo4j uses Apache Lucene, which treats all data as text. Neo4j使用Apache Lucene,它将所有数据视为文本。 This makes purely integer data queries much slower than they need to be. 这使纯粹的整数数据查询比它们需要的慢得多。

  • Neo4j has no user management built in. All security must be done at the application level. Neo4j没有内置用户管理。所有安全性都必须在应用程序级别完成。

My question is whether my research is outdated and these issues have solutions. 我的问题是我的研究是否已经过时,这些问题是否有解决方案。 I know that community and support for Neo4j and other graph databases is growing fast. 我知道社区和对Neo4j和其他图形数据库的支持正在快速增长。 Anyone with knowledge on the current state of Neo4j could really help me out. 任何了解当前Neo4j状态的人都可以帮助我。

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

Reply to your first bullet: 回复你的第一颗子弹:

By using ValueContext you can tell Lucene to index it numerically and also to query by numeric value or numeric range. 通过使用ValueContext,您可以告诉Lucene以数字方式对其进行索引,也可以通过数值或数值范围进行查询。 See for example https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j/blob/master/community/lucene-index/src/test/java/org/neo4j/index/impl/lucene/TestLuceneIndex.java#L622 例如,参见https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j/blob/master/community/lucene-index/src/test/java/org/neo4j/index/impl/lucene/TestLuceneIndex.java#L622

As for the second bullet, it appears that version 2.2 (currently at M3) introduces true user management. 至于第二个子弹,似乎2.2版(目前在M3)引入了真正的用户管理。 See http://neo4j.com/blog/neo4j-2-2-milestone-1-release/ for a basic overview of the new features. 有关新功能的基本概述,请参见http://neo4j.com/blog/neo4j-2-2-milestone-1-release/ Note that this is not a production ready release. 请注意,这不是生产就绪版本。

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