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无法在Drupal 7多站点上上传任何文件

[英]Can't upload any files on Drupal 7 multisite

I have a multisite Drupal 7 setup. 我有一个多站点Drupal 7安装程序。 I just noticed that on the one I'm working on, I can't upload any files at all. 我只是注意到,在我正在处理的那个文件上,我根本无法上传任何文件。 I tried using the file upload, and IMCE in it's file browser. 我尝试使用文件上传功能,并且在文件浏览器中使用IMCE。 I just keep getting a generic file can't be uploaded error. 我只是不断收到无法上传的通用文件错误。 I have two other sites on the shared system, and they work fine. 我在共享系统上还有另外两个站点,它们工作正常。 I have checked and rechecked all the file permissions and ownerships, and they are exactly the same. 我已经检查并重新检查了所有文件的权限和所有权,它们完全相同。 All the file settings, permissions, etc. on all three Drupal sites in the admin sections are the same. 管理部分中所有三个Drupal网站上的所有文件设置,权限等都是相同的。 I'm at a loss of where to look next. 我不知道接下来要去哪里。 The server error logs are no help, as well as the dblog in Drupal. 服务器错误日志以及Drupal中的dblog都无济于事。 Any ideas would be great because I've been looking at this for too long now. 任何想法都很棒,因为我已经研究了太久了。

It looks like I fixed this finally. 看来我终于解决了这个问题。 The solution still doesn't seem to make any sense, but it works. 该解决方案似乎仍然没有任何意义,但是可以。 I had to change the group ownership to apache instead of the default Plesk owner. 我必须将组所有权更改为apache,而不是默认的Plesk所有者。 The other sites work with the group owner as Plesk, so it doesn't make sense to me. 其他站点与组所有者Plesk一起工作,所以对我而言这没有意义。 At least it works. 至少有效。

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