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[英]Developer ID ensures Gatekeeper accept?

What is the current Apple's policy? 苹果目前的政策是什么? Speaking about Gatekeeper , they never mention that getting a Developer ID guarantees that your app will be allowed to run with the default Mac App Store and identified developers option. 在谈到Gatekeeper时 ,他们从未提及获得开发人员ID可以保证您的应用程序将允许使用默认的Mac App Store和已确定的开发人员选项运行。 They never say that every valid signed app will be automatically accepted. 他们从未说过每个有效的签名应用都会被自动接受。

I cannot distribute my app in the App Store since it violates its guidelines. 我无法在App Store中分发我的应用程序,因为它违反了其准则。 But it's useful, does not contain malware, ads or so. 但这很有用,不包含恶意软件,广告等。

If you sign up as an Apple developer, there are three ways to release your apps: 如果您注册为Apple开发人员,则有以下三种发布应用程序的方法:

  • Through the App Store, in which case Apple pre-screens them before allowing customers to download them. 在这种情况下,Apple会通过App Store对其进行预筛选,然后再允许客户下载它们。 If you choose this option, there is no guarantee that Apple will accept your app (although following their App Store guidelines gives you good odds). 如果您选择此选项,则不能保证Apple会接受您的应用程序(尽管遵循其App Store指南会给您带来很大的机会)。

  • By signing the app with your developer ID , and then distributing it yourself. 通过使用您的开发者ID签名应用,然后自行分发。 The developer ID is granted automatically when you sign up as a developer, Apple doesn't screen your app at all, and apps signed this way will run under Gatekeeper's default setting ("Mac App Store and identified developers"). 当您注册为开发人员时,开发人员ID会自动授予,Apple根本不会屏蔽您的应用程序,以这种方式签名的应用程序将在Gatekeeper的默认设置(“ Mac App Store和已识别的开发人员”)下运行。

    HOWEVER, if it comes to Apple's attention that malware is being distributed with your signature on it, they can revoke your developer ID certificate. 但是,如果引起苹果的注意,恶意软件是在带有您的签名的情况下分发的,则他们可以撤消您的开发人员ID证书。 If this happens, Gatekeeper will start blocking your signed apps (including any non-malicious ones). 如果发生这种情况,关守将开始阻止您签名的应用程序(包括所有非恶意应用程序)。 Unfortunately, while I think I remember reading a statement from Apple defining what they consider malicious, I can't find it now. 不幸的是,尽管我想我还记得阅读过Apple的一份声明,其中定义了他们认为恶意的内容,但我现在找不到它。

  • With or without a developer membership, you can distribute unsigned apps. 无论有或没有开发人员成员身份,您都可以分发未签名的应用程序。 Apple has no say in this, either before or after distribution, but Gatekeeper's default policy will block them. 苹果对此没有发言权,无论是发行前还是发行后,但网守的默认策略都将阻止它们。

You can check if Gatekeeper will accept your app's signature.. 您可以检查网守是否会接受您应用程序的签名。

$spctl -vat execute MyApp.app

you'll see.. 你会看到的..

MyApp.app: accepted
source=Developer ID

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