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[英]How to find the Filename with the latest version in C#

I have a folder that is filled with dwg files so I just need to find the latest version of a File or if a File has no versions then copy it to a directory. 我有一个充满dwg文件的文件夹,所以我只需要查找文件的最新版本,或者如果文件没有版本,则将其复制到目录中。 For example here are three files: 例如,这是三个文件:

ABBIE 08-10 #6-09H4 FINAL 06-12-2012.dwg ABBIE 08-10#6-09H4决赛06-12-2012.dwg
ABBIE 08-10 #6-09H4 FINAL 06-12-2012_1.dwg ABBIE 08-10#6-09H4决赛06-12-2012_1.dwg
ABBIE 08-10 #6-09H4 FINAL 06-12-2012_2.dwg ABBIE 08-10#6-09H4决赛06-12-2012_2.dwg

Notice the difference is one file has a _1 and another has a _2 so the latest file here is the _2 . 请注意,区别在于一个文件具有_1 ,另一个文件具有_2因此此处的最新文件是_2 I need to keep the latest file and copy it to a directory. 我需要保留最新文件并将其复制到目录中。 Some files will not have different versions so those can be copied. 某些文件不会具有不同的版本,因此可以将其复制。 I cannot focus on the creation date of the file or the modified date because in many instances they are the same so all I have to go on is the file name itself. 我不能专注于文件的创建日期或修改日期,因为在许多情况下它们是相同的,所以我要做的就是文件名本身。 I'm sure there is a more efficient way to do this than what I will post below. 我敢肯定有比我在下面发布的方法更有效的方法。

DirectoryInfo myDir = new DirectoryInfo(@"H:\Temp\Test");
var Files = myDir.GetFiles("*.dwg");

string[] fileList = Directory.GetFiles(@"H:\Temp\Test", "*FINAL*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
ArrayList WithUnderscores = new ArrayList();
string nameNOunderscores = "";

for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Length; i++)
    //Try to get just the filename..
    string filename = fileList[i].Split('.')[0];
    int position = filename.LastIndexOf('\\');
    filename = filename.Substring(position + 1);
    filename = filename.Split('_')[0];

    foreach (FileInfo allfiles in Files)
        var withoutunderscore = allfiles.Name.Split('_')[0];
        withoutunderscore = withoutunderscore.Split('.')[0];
        if (withoutunderscore.Equals(filename))
            nameNOunderscores = filename;

    //If there is a number after the _ then capture it in an ArrayList
    if (list.Count > 0)
        foreach (string nam in list)
            if (nam.Contains("_"))
                //need regex to grab numeric value after _
                var match = new Regex("_(?<number>[0-9]+)").Match(nam);
                if (match.Success)
                    var value = match.Groups["number"].Value;
                    var number = Int32.Parse(value);


        int removedcount = 0;

        //Whats the max value?
        if (WithUnderscores.Count > 0)
            var maxval = GetMaxValue(WithUnderscores);
            Int32 intmax = Convert.ToInt32(maxval);

            foreach (FileInfo deletefile in Files)
                string shorten = deletefile.Name.Split('.')[0];
                shorten = shorten.Split('_')[0];
                if (shorten == nameNOunderscores && deletefile.Name != nameNOunderscores + "_" + intmax + ".dwg")  
                    //Keep track of count of Files that are no good to us so we can iterate to next set of files
                    removedcount = removedcount + 1;

                    //Copy the "Good" file to a seperate directory
                    File.Copy(@"H:\Temp\Test\" + deletefile.Name, @"H:\Temp\AllFinals\" + deletefile.Name, true); 


        i = i + removedcount;
        //This File had no versions so it is good to be copied to the "Good" directory
        File.Copy(@"H:\Temp\SH_Plats\" + filename, @"H:\Temp\AllFinals" + filename, true);
        i = i + 1;

You can use this Linq query with Enumerable.GroupBy which should work (now tested): 您可以将此Linq查询与Enumerable.GroupBy一起使用,该查询 应该可以正常工作 (现已测试):

var allFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourceDir, "*.dwg")
    .Select(path => new
        Path = path,
        FileName = Path.GetFileName(path),
        FileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path),
        VersionStartIndex = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path).LastIndexOf('_')
    .Select(x => new
        IsVersionFile = x.VersionStartIndex != -1,
        Version = x.VersionStartIndex == -1 ? new Nullable<int>()
            : x.FileNameWithoutExtension.Substring(x.VersionStartIndex + 1).TryGetInt(),
        NameWithoutVersion = x.VersionStartIndex == -1 ? x.FileName
            : x.FileName.Substring(0, x.VersionStartIndex)
    .OrderByDescending(x => x.Version)
    .GroupBy(x => x.NameWithoutVersion)
    .Select(g => g.First());

foreach (var file in allFiles)
    string oldPath = Path.Combine(sourceDir, file.FileName);
    string newPath;
    if (file.IsVersionFile && file.Version.HasValue)
        newPath = Path.Combine(versionPath, file.FileName);
        newPath = Path.Combine(noVersionPath, file.FileName);
    File.Copy(oldPath, newPath, true);

Here's the extension method which i'm using to determine if a string is parsable to int : 这是我用来确定string是否可解析为int的扩展方法:

public static int? TryGetInt(this string item)
    int i;
    bool success = int.TryParse(item, out i);
    return success ? (int?)i : (int?)null;

Note that i'm not using regex but string methods only. 请注意,我不使用正则表达式,而仅使用字符串方法。

I've made a Regex based solution, and apparently come late to the party in the meantime. 我提出了一个基于Regex的解决方案,显然在此期间晚了。

(?<fileName>[A-Za-z0-9-# ]*)_?(?<version>[0-9]+)?\\.dwg

this regex will recognise the fileName and version and split them into groups, a pretty simple foreach loop to get the most recent files in a dictionary (cos I'm lazy) and then you just need to put the fileNames back together again before you access them. 这个正则表达式将识别文件名和版本并将它们分成组,这是一个非常简单的foreach循环,以获取字典中的最新文件(因为我很懒),然后您只需要再次将文件名放回一起即可访问他们。

var fileName = file.Key + "_" + file.Value + ".dwg"

full code 完整的代码

var files = new[] {
    "ABBIE 08-10 #6-09H4 FINAL 06-12-2012.dwg",
    "ABBIE 08-10 #6-09H4 FINAL 06-12-2012_1.dwg",
    "ABBIE 08-10 #6-09H4 FINAL 06-12-2012_2.dwg",
    "Second File.dwg",
    "Second File_1.dwg",
    "Third File.dwg"

// regex to split fileName from version
var r = new Regex( @"(?<fileName>[A-Za-z0-9-# ]*)_?(?<version>[0-9]+)?\.dwg" );
var latestFiles = new Dictionary<string, int>();

foreach (var f in files)
    var parsedFileName = r.Match( f );
    var fileName = parsedFileName.Groups["fileName"].Value; 
    var version = parsedFileName.Groups["version"].Success ? int.Parse( parsedFileName.Groups["version"].Value ) : 0;

    if( latestFiles.ContainsKey( fileName ) && version > latestFiles[fileName] )
        // replace if this file has a newer version
        latestFiles[fileName] = version;
        // add all newly found filenames
        latestFiles.Add( fileName, version );

// open all most recent files
foreach (var file in latestFiles)
    var fileToCopy = File.Open( file.Key + "_" + file.Value + ".dwg" );
    // ...

Try this 尝试这个

var files = new My.Computer().FileSystem.GetFiles(@"c:\to\the\sample\directory", Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*.dwg");
foreach (String f in files) {

NB: Add a reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic and use the following line at the beginning of the class: 注意:添加对Microsoft.VisualBasic的引用,并在类的开头使用以下行:

using My = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices;


The working sample[tested]: 工作样本[经测试]:

String dPath=@"C:\to\the\sample\directory";
var xfiles = new My.Computer().FileSystem.GetFiles(dPath, Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*.dwg").Where(c => Regex.IsMatch(c,@"\d{3,}\.dwg$"));
XElement filez = new XElement("filez");
foreach (String f in xfiles)
    var yfiles = new My.Computer().FileSystem.GetFiles(dPath, Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, string.Format("{0}*.dwg",System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f))).Where(c => Regex.IsMatch(c, @"_\d+\.dwg$"));
    if (yfiles.Count() > 0)
        filez.Add(new XElement("file", yfiles.Last()));            
    else {
        filez.Add(new XElement("file", f));

Can you do this by string sort? 可以按字符串排序吗? The only tricky part I see here is to convert the file name to a sortable format. 我在这里看到的唯一棘手的部分是将文件名转换为可排序的格式。 Just do a string replace from dd-mm-yyyy to yyyymmdd. 只需将字符串从dd-mm-yyyy替换为yyyymmdd。 Then, sort the the list and get the last record out. 然后,对列表进行排序并获取最后一条记录。

This is what you want considering fileList contain all file names 这就是您要考虑的文件列表包含所有文件名的原因

List<string> latestFiles=new List<string>();
foreach(var groups in fileList.GroupBy(x=>Regex.Replace(x,@"(_\d+\.dwg$|\.dwg$)","")))

latestFiles has the list of all new files.. LatestFiles包含所有新文件的列表。

If fileList is bigger,use Threading or PLinq 如果fileList较大,请使用ThreadingPLinq

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