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[英]Mono.Options: Check if an invalid option is given

I've defined 我已经定义

var p = new OptionSet () {
 // various options defined

Then I 然后我


If I call my program with 如果我用

myprogram --thisOptionIsNotDefined

I would like to display a help message, and NOT continue. 我想显示帮助消息,而不继续。 But Parse() doesn't throw an OptionException when it encounters an invalid option. 但是,当Parse()遇到无效选项时,它不会引发OptionException。 What do I do? 我该怎么办?

You can interrogate the return of OptionSet.Parse() to find any invalid parameters. 您可以查询OptionSet.Parse()的返回值以查找任何无效参数。

From the NDesk OptionSet documentation : 从NDesk OptionSet 文档中

OptionSet.Parse(IEnumerable), returns a List of all arguments which were not matched by a registered NDesk.Options.Option. OptionSet.Parse(IEnumerable),返回所有与注册的NDesk.Options.Option不匹配的参数的列表。

OptionSet.Parse() returns any unprocessed arguments. OptionSet.Parse()返回所有未处理的参数。 However, note that this may also includes any actual (non-option) argument of your program, eg input files. 但是,请注意,这可能还包括程序的任何实际(非选项)参数,例如输入文件。 In that case you can't just check that nothing is returned. 在这种情况下,您不能只检查没有返回任何内容。

Eg parsing the below args will return ["input.txt", "--thisOptionIsNotDefined"] . 例如,解析以下args将返回["input.txt", "--thisOptionIsNotDefined"]

myprogram input.txt --thisOptionIsNotDefined

To solve this particular problem, I wrote an extension method p.ParseStrict(args) . 为了解决这个特定问题,我编写了一个扩展方法p.ParseStrict(args) It simply checks that no options remain unprocessed after parsing (taking -- into account). 它只是将检查解析(服用后没有选项还未经处理--进入帐户)。

public static class MonoOptionsExtensions
    public static List<string> ParseStrict(this OptionSet source, IEnumerable<string> arguments)
        var args = arguments.ToArray();
        var beforeDoubleDash = args.TakeWhile(x => x != "--");

        var unprocessed = source.Parse(beforeDoubleDash);

        var firstUnprocessedOpt = unprocessed.Find(x => x.Length > 0 && (x[0] == '-' || x[0] == '/'));
        if (firstUnprocessedOpt != null)
            throw new OptionException("Unregistered option '" + firstUnprocessedOpt + "' encountered.", firstUnprocessedOpt);

        return unprocessed.Concat(args.SkipWhile(x => x != "--").Skip(1)).ToList();

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