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[英]Radius proxy append reply message

we have a radius proxy server which will receive request from different realm and forward to different radius server to process authentication and accounting stuff. 我们有一个Radius代理服务器,它将接收来自不同领域的请求并转发到不同的Radius服务器以处理身份验证和记帐工作。 Normally the reply message is sent out by the target radius server, we are now facing a problem that one of the target radius server cannot reply session timeout message. 通常,回复消息是由目标半径服务器发出的,我们现在面临一个问题,即目标半径服务器之一无法回复会话超时消息。

So we are wondering if it is possible to append a session timeout message and together with the reply message sent out by the target radius server to requester? 因此,我们想知道是否可以附加会话超时消息以及目标半径服务器发送给请求者的回复消息?

we are using free radius. 我们正在使用自由半径。

Many thanks. 非常感谢。

In the authorize section (sites-available/default) use the 'update' unlang stanza. 在授权部分(站点可用/默认)中,使用“更新” unlang节。

update reply {
    Session-Timeout := "<timeout>"

If you want to make it conditional on the upstream proxy sending you messages: 如果要以上游代理为条件,则向您发送消息:

if ("%{client:Shortname}" == '<client name>') {

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