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[英]Connect derby database with .net

I've been searching for an answer to a question which is as easy to ask, as it difficult to find an answer: 我一直在寻找一个问题的答案,这个问题很容易问,但很难找到答案:

  1. Is there any possible way in .Net that I can use to connect to Apache Derby? .Net中有什么方法可以用来连接到Apache Derby?

  2. Is there any supported embedded database [with in local drive] as same as Apache Derby in .net? [本地驱动器中]是否支持与.net中的Apache Derby相同的嵌入式数据库?

  3. Is there any supported network database [with in local drive on network] as same as Apache Derby in .net? 是否有任何与.net中的Apache Derby相同的受支持网络数据库(位于网络上的本地驱动器中)?

As .Net can't connect through JDBC and Derby doesn't support anything else I doubt you will be able to do this. 由于.Net无法通过JDBC连接并且Derby不支持其他任何功能,我怀疑您将能够做到这一点。

As you are apparently looking for an embedded Database you might want to have a look at Firebird: http://www.firebirdsql.org/ 当您显然正在寻找嵌入式数据库时,您可能想看看Firebird: http : //www.firebirdsql.org/

It does have a .Net connector if I'm not mistaken and you can run it as a network server, or a "file-base" embedded engine. 如果我没有记错的话,它确实具有.Net连接器,您可以将其作为网络服务器或“基于文件的”嵌入式引擎来运行。

It is a very nice and capable DBMS (it has several features Derby does not have), the only drawback is that the documentation is a mess (there is no single complete manual that would cover the complete SQL syntax for the current version). 它是一个非常出色且功能强大的DBMS(它具有Derby所没有的几个功能),唯一的缺点是文档很乱(没有一本完整的手册可以涵盖当前版本的完整SQL语法)。

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