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[英]Custom validation attribute calling another validation attribute

I want to create a custom validation attribute that calls other validation attributes. 我想创建一个调用其他验证属性的自定义验证属性。

For example I want to create an attribute called PasswordValidationAttribute . 例如,我想创建一个名为PasswordValidationAttribute的属性。 I want it to decorate the property it is defined on with RequiredAttribute , RegularExpressionAttribute and StringLengthAttribute with various parameters defined (such as the regular expression for a password and a maximum and minimum string length). 我希望它使用RequiredAttributeRegularExpressionAttributeStringLengthAttribute来定义它所定义的属性,并定义了各种参数(例如密码的正则表达式以及最大和最小字符串长度)。

I'm struggling on where to begin, ascertain how much work is involved and determine if it is at all possible. 我正在努力从哪里开始,确定涉及多少工作并确定它是否完全可能。 Once this attribute is applied to a property I would like it to process the ValidationMessageFor HtmlHelper correctly and do a serverside call. 将此属性应用于属性后,我希望它正确处理ValidationMessageFor HtmlHelper并执行服务器端调用。 I'm hoping I don't need to redefine them (otherwise it will be too much work). 我希望我不需要重新定义它们(否则它将是太多的工作)。

For .net 4 it could look like: 对于.net 4,它可能看起来像:

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class MyValidationAttribute : ValidationAttribute
    private readonly bool isRequired;

    public string Regex { get; set; }

    public int StringLength { get; set; }

    public MyValidationAttribute(bool isRequired)
        this.isRequired = isRequired;

    protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
        var composedAttributes = ConstructAttributes().ToArray();
        if (composedAttributes.Length == 0) return ValidationResult.Success;

        var errorMsgBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (var attribute in composedAttributes)
            var valRes = attribute.GetValidationResult(value, validationContext);
            if (valRes != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(valRes.ErrorMessage))
        var msg = errorMsgBuilder.ToString();
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg))
            return ValidationResult.Success;
        return new ValidationResult(msg);

    private IEnumerable<ValidationAttribute> ConstructAttributes()
        if (isRequired)
            yield return new RequiredAttribute();
        if (Regex != null)
            yield return new RegularExpressionAttribute(Regex);
        if (StringLength > 0)
            yield return new StringLengthAttribute(StringLength);

Usage: 用法:

[MyValidationAttribute(true, Regex = "[a-z]*", StringLength = 3)]
public string Name { get; set; }

In .net 3.5 there is a limitation, that you cannot dynamically construct the message value from underlying attributes ( at least I was not able get to through it ). .net 3.5中有一个限制,你不能从底层属性动态构造消息值( 至少我无法通过它 )。 You can set only one message per whole attribute. 每个属性只能设置一条消息。

Everything changed is inside method IsValid . 改变的一切都是方法IsValid

public override bool IsValid(object value)
    var composedAttributes = ConstructAttributes().ToArray();
    if (composedAttributes.Length == 0) return true;
    return composedAttributes.All(a => a.IsValid(value));

Note to ErrorMessage : ErrorMessage注意事项:

Return value of IsValid method of ValidationAttribute in .net 3.5 is not ValidationResult but bool . .net 3.5中ValidationAttributeIsValid方法的返回值不是ValidationResult而是bool When I tried to set the ErrorMessage , I got the error that value can be set only once . 当我尝试设置ErrorMessage ,我得到的错误是该value can be set only once

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