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[英]Pickle versus shelve storing large dictionaries in Python

If I am storing a large directory as a pickle file, does loading it via cPickle mean that it will all be consumed into memory at once? 如果我将一个大目录存储为pickle文件,是否通过cPickle加载它意味着它将全部被一次性地消耗到内存中?

If so, is there a cross platform way to get something like pickle , but access each entry one key at a item (ie avoid loading all of the dictionary into memory and only load each entry by name)? 如果是这样,是否有一种跨平台的方式来获取像pickle这样的东西,但是在一个项目上访问每个条目一个键(即避免将所有字典加载到内存中,只按名称加载每个条目)? I know shelve is supposed to do this: is that as portable as pickle though? 我知道shelve应该这样做:虽然像pickle一样便携吗?

I know shelve is supposed to do this: is that as portable as pickle though? 我知道shelve应该这样做:虽然像pickle一样便携吗?

Yes. 是。 shelve is part of The Python Standard Library and is written in Python. shelvePython标准库的一部分, 用Python编写。

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So if you have a large dictionary: 所以,如果你有一个大词典:

bigd = {'a': 1, 'b':2, # . . .

And you want to save it without having to read the whole thing in later then don't save it as a pickle, it would be better to save it as a shelf, a sort of on disk dictionary. 并且你想保存它而不必在以后阅读整个事情然后不要将它保存为泡菜,最好将其保存为一个架子,一种在磁盘字典上。

import shelve

myShelve = shelve.open('my.shelve')

Then later you can: 然后你可以:

import shelve

myShelve = shelve.open('my.shelve')
value = myShelve['a']
value += 1
myShelve['a'] = value

You basically treat the shelve object like a dict, but the items are stored on disk (as individual pickles) and read in as needed. 您基本上将搁置对象视为dict,但这些项目存储在磁盘上(作为单独的pickle)并根据需要读入。

If your objects could be stored as a list of properties, then sqlite may be a good alternative. 如果您的对象可以存储为属性列表,那么sqlite可能是一个不错的选择。 Shelves and pickles are convenient, but can only be accessed by Python, but a sqlite database can by read from most languages. 货架和泡菜很方便,但只能通过Python访问,但sqlite数据库可以从大多数语言中读取。

If you want a module that's more robust than shelve , you might look at klepto . 如果你想要一个比shelve更强大的模块,你可能会看看klepto klepto is built to provide a dictionary interface to platform-agnostic storage on disk or database, and is built to work with large data. klepto旨在为磁盘或数据库上与平台无关的存储提供字典接口,并且可以处理大数据。

Here, we first create some pickled objects stored on disk. 在这里,我们首先创建一些存储在磁盘上的pickle对象。 They use the dir_archive , which stores one object per file. 他们使用dir_archive ,它为每个文件存储一个对象。

>>> d = dict(zip('abcde',range(5)))
>>> d['f'] = max
>>> d['g'] = lambda x:x**2
>>> import klepto
>>> help(klepto.archives.dir_archive)       

>>> print klepto.archives.dir_archive.__new__.__doc__
initialize a dictionary with a file-folder archive backend

        name: name of the root archive directory [default: memo]
        dict: initial dictionary to seed the archive
        cached: if True, use an in-memory cache interface to the archive
        serialized: if True, pickle file contents; otherwise save python objects
        compression: compression level (0 to 9) [default: 0 (no compression)]
        memmode: access mode for files, one of {None, 'r+', 'r', 'w+', 'c'}
        memsize: approximate size (in MB) of cache for in-memory compression

>>> a = klepto.archives.dir_archive(dict=d)
>>> a
dir_archive('memo', {'a': 0, 'c': 2, 'b': 1, 'e': 4, 'd': 3, 'g': <function <lambda> at 0x102f562a8>, 'f': <built-in function max>}, cached=True)
>>> a.dump()
>>> del a

Now, the data is all on disk, let's pick and choose which ones we want to load in to memory. 现在,数据全部在磁盘上,让我们选择我们要加载到内存中的数据。 b is the dict in memory, while b.archive maps the collection of files into a dictionary view. b是内存中的dict,而b.archive将文件集合映射到字典视图中。

>>> b = klepto.archives.dir_archive('memo')
>>> b
dir_archive('memo', {}, cached=True)
>>> b.keys()   
>>> b.archive.keys()
['a', 'c', 'b', 'e', 'd', 'g', 'f']
>>> b.load('a')
>>> b
dir_archive('memo', {'a': 0}, cached=True)
>>> b.load('b')
>>> b.load('f')
>>> b.load('g')
>>> b['g'](b['f'](b['a'],b['b']))

klepto also provides the same interface to a sql archive. klepto还为sql存档提供了相同的接口。

>>> print klepto.archives.sql_archive.__new__.__doc__
initialize a dictionary with a sql database archive backend

    Connect to an existing database, or initialize a new database, at the
    selected database url. For example, to use a sqlite database 'foo.db'
    in the current directory, database='sqlite:///foo.db'. To use a mysql
    database 'foo' on localhost, database='mysql://user:pass@localhost/foo'.
    For postgresql, use database='postgresql://user:pass@localhost/foo'. 
    When connecting to sqlite, the default database is ':memory:'; otherwise,
    the default database is 'defaultdb'. If sqlalchemy is not installed,
    storable values are limited to strings, integers, floats, and other
    basic objects. If sqlalchemy is installed, additional keyword options
    can provide database configuration, such as connection pooling.
    To use a mysql or postgresql database, sqlalchemy must be installed.

        name: url for the sql database [default: (see note above)]
        dict: initial dictionary to seed the archive
        cached: if True, use an in-memory cache interface to the archive
        serialized: if True, pickle table contents; otherwise cast as strings

>>> c = klepto.archives.sql_archive('database')
>>> c.update(b)
>>> c
sql_archive('sqlite:///database', {'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'g': <function <lambda> at 0x10446b1b8>, 'f': <built-in function max>}, cached=True)
>>> c.dump()

Where now the same objects on disk are also in a sql archive. 现在,磁盘上的相同对象也在sql存档中。 We can add new objects to either archive. 我们可以将新对象添加到存档中。

>>> b['x'] = 69
>>> c['y'] = 96
>>> b.dump('x')
>>> c.dump('y')

Get klepto here: https://github.com/uqfoundation 在这里获取kleptohttps//github.com/uqfoundation

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