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Highchart tick间隔

[英]Highchart tick interval

I cannot seem to figure out how to set my tick interval correctly. 我似乎无法弄清楚如何正确设置我的刻度间隔。
Need to have an hourly tick on the X axis. 需要在X轴上按小时计时。
The data is minute based. 数据是基于分钟的。

Javascript: 使用Javascript:

$(function () {
    var chart;
    $(document).ready(function() {
        chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
            chart: {
                renderTo: 'container',
                type: 'spline'
            title: {
                text: 'Temperature Today'
            xAxis: {
                type: "datetime",
                categories: time,
                dateTimeLabelFormats: {
                    day: '%h'
                minTickInterval: 24 * 36000000 * 1000,
            yAxis: {
                title: {
                    text: 'Temperature'
                minorGridLineWidth: 0,
                gridLineWidth: 0,
                alternateGridColor: null
            tooltip: {
                formatter: function() {
                        return ''+
                        Highcharts.dateFormat('%e. %b %Y, %H:00', this.x) +': '+ this.y;
            plotOptions: {
                spline: {
                    lineWidth: 4,
                    states: {
                        hover: {
                            lineWidth: 5
                    marker: {
                        enabled: false,
                        states: {
                            hover: {
                                enabled: true,
                                symbol: 'circle',
                                radius: 5,
                                lineWidth: 1
            series: [{
                name: 'Asen',
                data: temp
            navigation: {
                menuItemStyle: {
                    fontSize: '6px'


Data arrays: 数据数组:

temp = [-4.39,-4.39,-4.33,-4.33,-4.33,-4.33,-4.33]
time = [1359910725000,1359910786000,1359910848000,1359910908000,1359910968000,1359911028000,1359911089000,1359911150000]

First of all, remove the 'categories' property on xAxis, this has no meaning on a datetime axis. 首先,删除xAxis上的“categories”属性,这在日期时间轴上没有意义。 Note that datetime axes are based on milliseconds, so an interval of one hour is expressed as 3600 * 1000. See API highcharts, tickInterval 请注意,日期时间轴基于毫秒,因此一小时的间隔表示为3600 * 1000.请参阅API highcharts,tickInterval

use this config for the xAxis. 将此配置用于xAxis。

xAxis: {
        type: "datetime",    
        dateTimeLabelFormats: {
            day: '%H'
        tickInterval: 3600 * 1000

See here for a working demo on JS Bin . 有关JS Bin的工作演示,请参见此处。

您应该使用tickInterval,其值为:3600 * 1000

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