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JQuery Lightbox:缩略图OK,背景暗淡,但没有大图像显示

[英]JQuery Lightbox: thumbnails OK, background dims, but no large image shows

I have a weird issue where lightbox appears to be working but no larger image appears. 我有一个奇怪的问题,灯箱似乎工作但没有出现更大的图像。

Links to images are correct and thumbnails are showing but no full size image. 图像链接正确,缩略图显示但没有全尺寸图像。

There are also no errors in the console. 控制台中也没有错误。

I have my gallery HTML set up as such: 我的画廊HTML设置如下:

<a href="images/here.jpg" rel="lightbox[gallery]"><img src="images/here.jpg" alt="FAST Festival Image Gallery"></a>

I have ensured that JQuery, JQuery UI, Lightbox.css, Lighbox.js and jquery.smooth-scroll.min.js are all present. 我确保JQuery,JQuery UI,Lightbox.css,Lighbox.js和jquery.smooth-scroll.min.js都存在。

The page is: http://www.fastfestival.com.au/gallery.html 该页面是: http//www.fastfestival.com.au/gallery.html

Does anyone know whats happening at all? 有谁知道发生了什么事?

EDIT: 编辑:

Checking in the console I see there is not image appearing in the Lightbox div when it is envoked 检查控制台我发现当它被调用时,Lightbox div中没有​​出现图像

<div id="lightboxOverlay" style="width: 1633px; height: 1234px; display: block;"></div>

The conflict with jQuery 1.9 has to do with new behavior for the .after() method . 与jQuery 1.9的冲突与.after()方法的新行为有关 You can rewrite the Lightbox.prototype.build method in Lightbox to avoid using the .after() method on disconnected nodes and Lightbox will work with jQuery 1.9 again. 您可以在Lightbox.prototype.build中重写Lightbox.prototype.build方法,以避免在断开连接的节点上使用.after()方法,Lightbox将再次使用jQuery 1.9。

My quickly hacked together solution (that works) follows. 我的快速黑客攻击解决方案(有效)紧随其后。 It could be cleaned up with more chaining, but I've decided to leave that for later or probably just to wait for Lightbox v2.51 to be revved to include a standardized fix. 它可以通过更多链接进行清理,但我决定将其留待以后或者可能只是等待Lightbox v2.51加速以包含标准化修复。

Lightbox.prototype.build = function() {
  var $lightbox,
    _this = this;

  // Editing here for jQuery 1.9 conflict
  $("<div>", { "id": "lightboxOverlay" }).appendTo("body");

  lightbox = $("<div>", { "id": "lightbox" });

  outerContainer = $("<div>", { "class": "lb-outerContainer" });
  container = $("<div>", { "class": "lb-container" });
  $(container).append($("<img>", { "class": "lb-image" }));
  nav = $("<div>", { "class": "lb-nav" });
  $(nav).append($("<a>", { "class": "lb-prev" }));
  $(nav).append($("<a>", { "class": "lb-next" }));
  loader = $("<div>", { "class": "lb-loader" });
  $(loader).append($("<a>", { "class": "lb-cancel" }).append($("<img>", { "src": this.options.fileLoadingImage })));

  dataContainer = $("<div>", { "class": "lb-dataContainer" });
  data = $("<div>", { "class": "lb-data" });
  details = $("<div>", { "class": "lb-details" });
  $(details).append($("<span>", { "class": "lb-caption" }));
  $(details).append($("<span>", { "class": "lb-number" }));
  closeContainer = $("<div>", { "class": "lb-closeContainer" });
  $(closeContainer).append($("<a>", { "class": "lb-close" }).append($("<img>", { "src": this.options.fileCloseImage })));


  // End custom changes

  $('#lightboxOverlay').hide().on('click', function(e) {
    return false;
  $lightbox = $('#lightbox');
  $lightbox.hide().on('click', function(e) {
    if ($(e.target).attr('id') === 'lightbox') _this.end();
    return false;
  $lightbox.find('.lb-outerContainer').on('click', function(e) {
    if ($(e.target).attr('id') === 'lightbox') _this.end();
    return false;
  $lightbox.find('.lb-prev').on('click', function(e) {
    _this.changeImage(_this.currentImageIndex - 1);
    return false;
  $lightbox.find('.lb-next').on('click', function(e) {
    _this.changeImage(_this.currentImageIndex + 1);
    return false;
  $lightbox.find('.lb-loader, .lb-close').on('click', function(e) {
    return false;

It appears that this version of LightBox isnt compatible with the lastest version of JQuery. 看来这个版本的LightBox与最新版本的JQuery不兼容。

I had linked to version 1.9 hosted on Google. 我已经链接到在Google上托管的1.9版本。 I changed to version 1.7 that comes with the download and it works 我改为下载附带的1.7版,它可以工作

You have to use a bigger image href in the anchor tag, it isnt automatic. 你必须在锚标签中使用更大的图像href,它不是自动的。 You link to a bigger version of the picture and instead of the browser taking you there it shows it in a fancybox. 您链接到更大版本的图片,而不是浏览器带你到那里它显示在一个fancybox。 But you still have to supply the image. 但你仍然需要提供图像。

<a href="images/here_big.jpg" rel="lightbox[gallery]"><img src="images/here.jpg" alt="FAST Festival Image Gallery"></a>

I found out that the latest version of jquery-rails gem v2.2.0 was loading up jquery 1.10, a newer version than on my production site which still runs jquery 1.8.3. 我发现最新版本的jquery-rails gem v2.2.0正在加载jquery 1.10,这是一个比我的生产站点更新的版本仍在运行jquery 1.8.3。 For some reason, this broke Lightbox2 (v2.51) exactly as you describe--screen goes dark but no image is shown. 出于某种原因,这完全打破了Lightbox2(v2.51) - 屏幕变暗但没有显示图像。 Not sure if this is a jquery or lightbox issue, but so that I could push out my latest changes to production I just manually forced my app to use the previous version of jquery v1.8.3 using a script tag in my application layout: 不确定这是否是一个jquery或lightbox问题,但是为了能够将我的最新更改推送到生产中,我只是手动强制我的应用程序在我的应用程序布局中使用脚本标记来使用以前版本的jquery v1.8.3:

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>

Make sure to put it above the javascript_include_tag which creates the asset pipeline and all other javascript files. 请务必将其放在javascript_include_tag上方,以创建资产管道和所有其他javascript文件。 Also, comment out any references to jquery in application.js to disable it. 另外,注释掉application.js中对jquery的任何引用以禁用它。

I know that linking in this way isn't ideal but I was having issues trying to use an earlier version of the jquery-rails gem, so doing things manually at least for a while resolved it for me. 我知道以这种方式链接并不理想但是我在尝试使用早期版本的jquery-rails gem时遇到了问题,因此至少在一段时间内手动操作会解决它。 Hope this helps someone else. 希望这有助于其他人。

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