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[英]Extract values from a transition matrix using columns of a data.frame in R

I have a transition matrix, with the cost of going from one state to another, eg 我有一个转换矩阵,其中包含从一种状态到另一种状态的成本

cost <- data.frame( a=c("aa","ab"),b=c("ba","bb"))

(pretending that the string "aa" is the cost of moving from a to a) (假装字符串“aa”是从a移动到a的成本)

I've got a data.frame , with states in: 我有一个data.frame ,其状态为:

transitions <- data.frame( from=c("a","a","b"), to=c("a","b","b") )

I'd like to be able to add a column to transitions, with the cost of each transition in, so it ends up being: 我希望能够为转换添加一个列,每个转换的成本都在,所以它最终是:

  from to cost
1    a  a   aa
2    a  b   ab
3    b  b   bb

I'm sure there is an R-ish way to do this. 我敢肯定有一种R-ish方式可以做到这一点。 I've ended up using a for loop: 我最终使用了for循环:

n <- dim(data)[1]
v <- vector("numeric",n)
for( i in 1:n ) 
    za <- z[[col1]]
    zb <- z[[col2]]
    v[i] <- dist[za,zb]
data <- cbind(data,d=v)
names(data)[dim(data)[2]] <- colName

But this feels pretty ugly, and it's incredibly slow - it takes about 20 minutes on a 2M row data.frame (and an operation to compute distances between elements of the same table takes less than a second). 但是这感觉非常难看,并且速度非常慢 - 在2M行data.frame上花费大约20分钟(并且计算同一个表的元素之间的距离的操作不到一秒)。

Is there a simple, fast, one or two line command that would get me the cost column above? 是否有一个简单,快速,一个或两个行命令可以获得上面的成本列?

UPDATE: Consider known states 更新:考虑已知状态

data.table solution: data.table解决方案:


## Data generation
N <- 2e6
states <- c("a","b")
cost <- data.frame(a=c("aa","ab"),b=c("ba","bb"))
transitions <- data.frame(from=sample(states, N, replace=T), 
                            to=sample(states, N, replace=T))

## Expanded cost matrix construction
f <- expand.grid(states, states)
f <- f[order(f$Var1, f$Var2),]
f$cost <- unlist(cost)

## Prepare data.table
dt <- data.table(transitions)
setkey(dt, from, to)

## Routine itself  
dt[,cost:=as.character("")] # You don't need this line if cost is numeric
apply(f, 1, function(x) dt[J(x[1],x[2]),cost:=x[3]])

With 2M rows in transitions it takes about 0.3sec to proceed. transitions有2M行时,大约需要0.3秒才能进行。

Here's one way: (At least this works on this example and I believe it'll work on larger data as well. Please write back with an example if it doesn't) 这是一种方法:(至少此方法适用于本示例,我相信它也适用于较大的数据。如果不适用,请写出示例)

# load both cost and transition with stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# so that strings are NOT by default loaded as factors
cost <- data.frame( a = c("aa","ab"), b = c("ba","bb"), stringsAsFactors=F)
transitions <- data.frame(from = c("a","a","b"), to = c("a","b","b"), 
                                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# convert cost to vector: it'll have names a1, a2, b1, b2. we'll exploit that.
cost.vec <- unlist(cost)
# convert "to" to factor and create id column with "from" and as.integer(to)
# the as.integer(to) will convert it into its levels
transitions$to <- as.factor(transitions$to)
transitions$id <- paste0(transitions$from, as.integer(transitions$to))

# now, you'll have a1, a2 etc.. here as well, just match it with the vector
transitions$val <- cost.vec[!is.na(match(names(cost.vec), transitions$id))]

#   from to id val
# 1    a  a a1  aa
# 2    a  b a2  ab
# 3    b  b b2  bb

You can of course remove the id . 你当然可以删除id If this wouldn't work in any case, let me know. 如果这在任何情况下都不起作用,请告诉我。 I'll try to fix it. 我会尝试解决它。

Starting from Arun's answer, I went with: 从阿伦的答案开始,我去了:

cost <- data.frame( a = c("aa","ab"), b = c("ba","bb") )
transitions <- data.frame(from = c("a","a","b"), to = c("a","b","b") )
row.names(cost) <- c("a","b") #Normally get this from the csv file
cost$from <- row.names(cost)
m <- melt(cost, id.vars=c("from"))
m$transition = paste(m$from,m$variable)
merge(m, transitions, by.x="transition",by.y="transition")

It's a few more lines, but I'm a bit untrusting of factor orderings as indexes. 这是几行,但我有点不信任因子排序作为索引。 It also means that when they are data.tables, I can do: 这也意味着当它们是data.tables时,我可以这样做:


I haven't benchmarked, but on large datasets, I'm pretty confident the data.table merge will be faster than the merge or vector scan approaches. 我尚未进行基准测试,但是对于大型数据集,我非常有信心data.table合并将比合并或矢量扫描方法快。

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