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Java框架为IE8构建Rich Web Apps

[英]Java framework to build Rich Web Apps for IE8

We build Java Spring MVC web apps for internal company users that have pretty basic GUIs. 我们为具有基本GUI的内部公司用户构建Java Spring MVC Web应用程序。 A few have jQuery/Ajax to add some GUI richness, but nothing major. 有一些具有jQuery / Ajax来添加一些GUI丰富性,但是没什么大不了的。 For a new app, the business users are asking for a very rich web app (ex: drag and drop functionality, flexible tables like in Excel, etc). 对于新应用程序,业务用户要求一个非常丰富的Web应用程序(例如:拖放功能,诸如Excel中的灵活表格等)。 Our users can only use IE8 and we can't run Java applets in the browser. 我们的用户只能使用IE8,而不能在浏览器中运行Java小程序。 Also we don't have the time to learn an entirely new language (ex: Flex), so the learning curve can't be too steep for Java MVC developers. 另外,我们没有时间学习全新的语言(例如:Flex),因此对于Java MVC开发人员来说,学习曲线不会太陡。 This app will only be used by company internal users (~ 100 concurrent users). 该应用程序将仅由公司内部用户(〜100个并发用户)使用。

I have looked into some of the newer Javascript MVC frameworks (ex: Spine, Backbone, Ember). 我研究了一些较新的Javascript MVC框架(例如:Spine,Backbone,Ember)。 My main concern is that I am not sure how well the resulting complex Javascript will run under IE8. 我主要担心的是,我不确定所生成的复杂Javascript在IE8下能否运行良好。 A secondary concern is that we don't have experience trying to maintain a lot of code in Javascript. 第二个问题是我们没有尝试维护Javascript中的许多代码的经验。 It seems like a lot of Javascript code would become a maintenance nightmare (non-typesafe, harder to debug, not as many tools, etc). 似乎很多Javascript代码将成为维护的噩梦(非类型安全,更难调试,没有那么多工具等)。

I have also looked into GWT and ZK. 我也研究了GWT和ZK。 These frameworks reduce the concern about maintaining a lot of Javascript code, but the IE8 performance concern still remains. 这些框架减少了维护大量Javascript代码的麻烦,但IE8性能方面的麻烦仍然存在。 If we built a very rich GUI in one of these frameworks, would the resulting auto-generated Javascript work well in IE8? 如果我们在这些框架之一中构建了非常丰富的GUI,那么生成的自动生成的Javascript在IE8中是否可以正常工作?

What framework would you recommend that would meet the high-level user requirements listed above and also meet the non-functional requirements (small learning curve, low maintenance burden, good future support)? 您建议哪种框架既要满足上面列出的高级用户要求,又要满足非功能性要求(学习曲线少,维护负担少,将来的支持很好)? Has anyone tried to do something similar to this? 有没有人尝试做类似的事情? If so, what did you use and how did it turn out? 如果是这样,您使用了什么?结果如何?

We are working with Vaadin , which is quite similar to GWT (develop Java code), an it works fine in all browsers. 我们正在使用Vaadin ,它与GWT(开发Java代码)非常相似,并且在所有浏览器中都可以正常工作。 For us, scalability of the view is the more important thing (manage large code sets) 对我们来说,视图的可伸缩性是更重要的事情(管理大型代码集)

You can go with ZK OR Primefaces 您可以选择ZKPrimefaces

Both are very rich web framework Just explore their Demo decide which will be very helpful for you. 两者都是非常丰富的Web框架,只需探索它们的Demo决定,这将对您非常有帮助。

Vaadin supports drag and drop but programming model for d&d is a bit nightmarish. Vaadin支持拖放,但是d&d的编程模型有些噩梦。

I would certainly pick GWT in your case. 我当然会选择GWT。 Google guys put a lot of work to have it working with ie8 well. Google的工作人员为使它与ie8正常工作付出了很多工作。 note GWT has good tool support like Eclipse plugins. 注意GWT具有良好的工具支持,例如Eclipse插件。 to avoid writing everything from scratch, you could start with some framework that builds on GWT like gwtplatform or ExtGWT. 为了避免从头开始编写所有内容,您可以从一些基于GWT的框架开始,例如gwtplatform或ExtGWT。

您还可以考虑ADF Faces,它具有非常丰富的组件集,您可以在此处查看演示。

In my company all our projects are done with Apache Wicket. 在我公司,我们所有的项目都是使用Apache Wicket完成的。 This java web framework is simple, powerful, very efficient, component based and everything is testable. 这个Java Web框架简单,功能强大,非常高效,基于组件,并且所有内容均可测试。

And the community is great. 社区很棒。

Have a look to http://wicket.apache.org . 看看http://wicket.apache.org

Francois 弗朗索瓦

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