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[英]the better method to store page hits in crowded site

I have website with too much traffic, I want to add a hits counter. 我的网站流量太大,我想添加一个点击计数器。 what the better method to store that ? 什么是更好的存储方法? ihave 2 options 我有2个选择
1- create DB and store hits in. 1-创建数据库并存储命中。
2- create local txt file and store hits in. 2-创建本地txt文件并存储命中。
the server is already over loaded so what would be better to avoid more pressure on the server ? 服务器已经过载了,那么最好避免对服务器施加更大的压力?

为避免服务器上的进一步负载,请使用Google AnalyticsStatcounter等外部服务。



I would not use a file. 不会使用文件。

If the server is already under high load it would get even worse if you add that additonal concurrent file (read/write) access 如果服务器已经处于高负载状态,那么如果添加该附加的并发文件(读/写)访问权限则会更糟

I'm confirm with @Antonys answer. 我确认@Antonys的答案。 It will delegate the work for stats to the clients and not to the server. 它会将stats的工作委托给客户端而不是服务器。


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