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如何计算 SQL 中的小数位?

[英]How do I count decimal places in SQL?

I have a column X which is full of floats with decimals places ranging from 0 (no decimals) to 6 (maximum).我有一个 X 列,它充满了浮点数,小数位数从 0(无小数)到 6(最大值)。 I can count on the fact that there are no floats with greater than 6 decimal places.我可以指望没有超过 6 位小数的浮点数。 Given that, how do I make a new column such that it tells me how many digits come after the decimal?鉴于此,我如何创建一个新列,以便告诉我小数点后有多少位数字?

I have seen some threads suggesting that I use CAST to convert the float to a string, then parse the string to count the length of the string that comes after the decimal.我看到一些线程建议我使用 CAST 将浮点数转换为字符串,然后解析字符串以计算小数点后的字符串长度。 Is this the best way to go?这是最好的方法吗?

You can use something like this:你可以使用这样的东西:

declare @v sql_variant

set @v=0.1242311

select SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@v, 'Scale') as Scale

This will return 7 .这将返回7

I tried to make the above query work with a float column but couldn't get it working as expected.我试图使上述查询与float列一起工作,但无法按预期工作。 It only works with a sql_variant column as you can see here: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/5c62c/2它仅适用于sql_variant列,如您在此处所见: http : sql_variant /2

So, I proceeded to find another way and building upon this answer , I got this:所以,我继续寻找另一种方法并建立在这个答案的基础上,我得到了这个:

SELECT value,
                      CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), value, 128)
                     ) AS float
             ) AS bigint
   ) as Decimals
FROM Numbers

Here's a SQL Fiddle to test this out: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/23d4f/29这是一个 SQL Fiddle 来测试这个: http ://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/23d4f/29

To account for that little quirk, here's a modified version that will handle the case when the float value has no decimal part:为了解决这个小怪癖,这里有一个修改版本,它将处理浮点值没有小数部分的情况:

SELECT value,
       Decimals = CASE Charindex('.', value)
                    WHEN 0 THEN 0
           Len (
              Reverse(CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), value, 128)) AS FLOAT
                 ) AS BIGINT
FROM   numbers

Here's the accompanying SQL Fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/10d54/11这是随附的 SQL Fiddle: http ://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/10d54/11

This thread is also using CAST, but I found the answer interesting:该线程也在使用 CAST,但我发现答案很有趣:

http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic314390-8-1.aspx http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic314390-8-1.aspx

 SELECT TOP 1000000 @Places = FLOOR(LOG10(REVERSE(ABS(SomeNumber)+1)))+1
   FROM dbo.BigTest

and in ORACLE:在 ORACLE 中:

SELECT FLOOR(LOG(10,REVERSE(CAST(ABS(.56544)+1 as varchar(50))))) + 1 from DUAL

A float is just representing a real number.浮点数只是代表一个实数。 There is no meaning to the number of decimal places of a real number.实数的小数位数没有意义。 In particular the real number 3 can have six decimal places, 3.000000, it's just that all the decimal places are zero.特别是实数 3 可以有 6 个小数位,3.000000,只是所有的小数位都为零。

You may have a display conversion which is not showing the right most zero values in the decimal.您可能有一个显示转换,它没有显示十进制中最右边的零值。

Note also that the reason there is a maximum of 6 decimal places is that the seventh is imprecise, so the display conversion will not commit to a seventh decimal place value.另请注意,最多 6 位小数的原因是第七位不精确,因此显示转换不会提交到第七位小数位值。

Also note that floats are stored in binary, and they actually have binary places to the right of a binary point.另请注意,浮点数以二进制形式存储,并且它们实际上在二进制小数点右侧具有二进制位置。 The decimal display is an approximation of the binary rational in the float storage which is in turn an approximation of a real number.十进制显示是浮点存储中二进制有理数的近似值,而后者又是实数的近似值。

So the point is, there really is no sense of how many decimal places a float value has.所以重点是,对于浮点值有多少个小数位真的没有意义。 If you do the conversion to a string (say using the CAST) you could count the decimal places.如果您转换为字符串(例如使用 CAST),您可以计算小数位。 That really would be the best approach for what you are trying to do.对于您正在尝试做的事情,这确实是最好的方法。

I answered this before, but I can tell from the comments that it's a little unclear.我之前回答过这个,但我可以从评论中看出它有点不清楚。 Over time I found a better way to express this.随着时间的推移,我找到了一种更好的方式来表达这一点。

Consider pi as将 pi 视为

(a) 3.141592653590

This shows pi as 11 decimal places.这将 pi 显示为小数点后 11 位。 However this was rounded to 12 decimal places, as pi, to 14 digits is然而,这被四舍五入到 12 位小数,作为 pi,到 14 位是

(b) 3.1415926535897932

A computer or database stores values in binary.计算机或数据库以二进制形式存储值。 For a single precision float, pi would be stored as对于单精度浮点数,pi 将存储为

(c) 3.141592739105224609375

This is actually rounded up to the closest value that a single precision can store, just as we rounded in (a).这实际上四舍五入到单个精度可以存储的最接近的值,就像我们在(a)中四舍五入一样。 The next lowest number a single precision can store is单精度可以存储的下一个最低数字是

(d) 3.141592502593994140625

So, when you are trying to count the number of decimal places, you are trying to find how many decimal places, after which all remaining decimals would be zero.因此,当您尝试计算小数位数时,您正在尝试找到多少个小数位,之后所有剩余的小数位将为零。 However, since the number may need to be rounded to store it, it does not represent the correct value.但是,由于数字可能需要四舍五入才能存储,因此它并不代表正确的值。

Numbers also introduce rounding error as mathematical operations are done, including converting from decimal to binary when inputting the number, and converting from binary to decimal when displaying the value.数字在进行数学运算时也会引入舍入误差,包括输入数字时从十进制转换为二进制,以及在显示值时从二进制转换为十进制。

You cannot reliably find the number of decimal places a number in a database has, because it is approximated to round it to store in a limited amount of storage.您无法可靠地找到数据库中数字的小数位数,因为它近似于将其四舍五入以存储在有限的存储量中。 The difference between the real value, or even the exact binary value in the database will be rounded to represent it in decimal.实际值之间的差异,甚至数据库中精确的二进制值之间的差异将被四舍五入以用十进制表示。 There could always be more decimal digits which are missing from rounding, so you don't know when the zeros would have no more non-zero digits following it.舍入时总是会丢失更多的十进制数字,因此您不知道零后面何时不再有非零数字。

Solution for Oracle but you got the idea. Oracle 的解决方案,但您明白了。 trunc() removes decimal part in Oracle. trunc() 删除 Oracle 中的小数部分。

select *
from your_table
where (your_field*1000000 - trunc(your_field*1000000)) <> 0;

The idea of the query: Will there be any decimals left after you multiply by 1 000 000.查询思路:乘以1 000 000后是否还剩下小数。

Another way I found is我发现的另一种方法是

SELECT 1.110000 , LEN(PARSENAME(Cast(1.110000 as float),1)) AS Count_AFTER_DECIMAL SELECT 1.110000 , LEN(PARSENAME(Cast(1.110000 as float),1)) AS Count_AFTER_DECIMAL

I've noticed that Kshitij Manvelikar's answer has a bug.我注意到 Kshitij Manvelikar 的回答有一个错误。 If there are no decimal places, instead of returning 0, it returns the total number of characters in the number.如果没有小数位,则返回数字中的总字符数,而不是返回 0。

So improving upon it:所以改进它:

Case When (SomeNumber = Cast(SomeNumber As Integer)) Then 0 Else LEN(PARSENAME(Cast(SomeNumber as float),1)) End

Here's another Oracle example.这是另一个 Oracle 示例。 As I always warn non-Oracle users before they start screaming at me and downvoting etc... the SUBSTRING and INSTRING are ANSI SQL standard functions and can be used in any SQL.正如我总是在非 Oracle 用户开始对我尖叫和投反对票等之前警告他们...... SUBSTRING 和 INSTRING 是 ANSI SQL 标准函数,可以在任何 SQL 中使用。 The Dual table can be replaced with any other table or created. Dual table 可以替换为任何其他 table 或创建。 Here's the link to SQL SERVER blog whre i copied dual table code from: http://blog.sqlauthority.com/2010/07/20/sql-server-select-from-dual-dual-equivalent/这是我从以下位置复制双表代码的 SQL SERVER 博客的链接: http : //blog.sqlauthority.com/2010/07/20/sql-server-select-from-dual-dual-equivalent/


The length after dot or decimal place is returned by this query.此查询返回点或小数位后的长度。 The str can be converted to_number(str) if required.如果需要,可以将 str 转换为_number(str)。 You can also get the length of the string before dot-decimal place - change code to LENGTH(SUBSTR(str, 1, dot_pos))-1 and remove +1 in INSTR part:您还可以在点小数位之前获取字符串的长度 - 将代码更改为 LENGTH(SUBSTR(str, 1, dot_pos))-1 并删除 INSTR 部分中的 +1:

SELECT str, LENGTH(SUBSTR(str, dot_pos)) str_length_after_dot FROM
 SELECT '000.000789' as str
      , INSTR('000.000789', '.')+1 dot_pos 
   FROM dual


000.000789    6

You already have answers and examples about casting etc...你已经有了关于铸造等的答案和例子......

This question asks of regular SQL, but I needed a solution for SQLite .这个问题询问常规 SQL,但我需要SQLite的解决方案。 SQLite has neither a log10 function, nor a reverse string function builtin, so most of the answers here don't work. SQLite 既没有 log10 函数,也没有内置的反向字符串函数,所以这里的大多数答案都不起作用。 My solution is similar to Art's answer , and as a matter of fact, similar to what phan describes in the question body.我的解决方案类似于Art 的答案,事实上,类似于 phan 在问题正文中描述的内容。 It works by converting the floating point value (in SQLite, a "REAL" value) to text, and then counting the caracters after a decimal point.它的工作原理是将浮点值(在 SQLite 中为“REAL”值)转换为文本,然后计算小数点后的字符数。

For a column named "Column" from a table named "Table", the following query will produce a the count of each row's decimal places:对于名为“Table”的表中名为“Column”的列,以下查询将生成每行小数位数的计数:

        cast(Column as text),
        instr(cast(Column as text), '.')+1
) as "Column-precision" from "Table";

The code will cast the column as text, then get the index of a period ( . ) in the text, and fetch the substring from that point on to the end of the text.代码会将列转换为文本,然后获取文本中句点 ( . ) 的索引,并从该点获取子字符串到文本末尾。 Then, it calculates the length of the result.然后,它计算结果的长度。

Remember to limit 100 if you don't want it to run for the entire table!如果您不想为整个表运行,请记住limit 100


It's not a perfect solution;这不是一个完美的解决方案; for example, it considers "10.0" as having 1 decimal place, even if it's only a 0. However, this is actually what I needed, so it wasn't a concern to me.例如,它认为“10.0”有 1 个小数位,即使它只是一个 0。然而,这实际上是我需要的,所以我不关心它。

Hopefully this is useful to someone :)希望这对某人有用:)

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