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[英]java socket can't send message using BufferedWriter

I am trying to use BufferedWriter to send a message to the server from the client or server to client. 我正在尝试使用BufferedWriter从客户端或服务器到客户端向服务器发送消息。 However nothing will send, but it will listen if you send a message to it. 但是什么也不会发送,但是如果您向它发送消息,它将监听。 I am not sure what I am doing wrong but I think the problem is from here. 我不确定自己在做什么错,但我认为问题出在这里。

ActionListener buttonActive= new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                messageTextArea.append(textMessage.getText()+ "\n");
                sendText = textMessage.getText();

    private void startSending(){

        SwingWorker <Void, Void> sendingThread = new SwingWorker <Void, Void>(){
            protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception {

                BufferedWriter writer = null;
                writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream()));
                return null;

@trashgod and @madProgrammer gave me a solution using printWriter which works but I want me to make a few more version using BufferedWriter + BufferedReader , OutputStream+ InputStream and BufferedWriter + PrintWriter , however i want to make the BufferedWriter + BufferedReader . @trashgod和@madProgrammer给我提供了一个使用printWriter的解决方案,该解决方案可以工作,但我希望我使用BufferedWriter + BufferedReaderOutputStream+ InputStreamBufferedWriter + PrintWriter制作更多版本,但是我想制作BufferedWriter + BufferedReader

Your code does indeed send data. 您的代码确实确实在发送数据。 Maybe the client is calling readLine() ? 客户端可能正在调用readLine()吗? As you aren't sending a line terminator, it will block forever. 由于您不发送行终止符,因此它将永远阻塞。

But your code doesn't make much sense. 但是您的代码没有多大意义。 Writing the same text in a loop can't be what you intended. 在循环中编写相同的文本并不是您想要的。 And there is no such thing as a PrintReader . 而且没有PrintReader这样的东西。

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