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[英]Can't reset a listview after filtering

I currently have a list view that is populated in my 'onCreate' i have an edit text that is filtering by a constraint passed to my 'onTextChanged' method, this is then sent to a 'getChanges' method in my database handler class and using an LIKE statement it is filtered. 我目前有一个列表视图,该列表视图填充在“ onCreate”中,我的编辑文本通过传递给我的“ onTextChanged”方法的约束进行过滤,然后将其发送到数据库处理程序类中的“ getChanges”方法中,并使用一个LIKE语句,将其过滤。 At the moment when I have deleted the string search from my edittext (ie it is blank) I want all of the contants to redisplay. 在我从编辑文本中删除字符串搜索的那一刻(即它为空白)时,我希望所有内容都重新显示。 Currently I cannot get it to do this, the data shown just shows the last filtered data. 目前,我无法执行此操作,显示的数据仅显示最后过滤的数据。

This is my Filter: 这是我的过滤器:

    searchName = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.inputName);
    searchName.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
        public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {

        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count,
                int after) {

        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before,
                int count) {

    getCons = new DBHandler(this, null, null);
    cursorAdapter.setFilterQueryProvider(new FilterQueryProvider() {
        public Cursor runQuery(CharSequence constraint) {
            return getCons.getChanges(constraint.toString());

And this is the method in my database handler class, at first I thought it was because I was closing the cursor in my 'IF' but this dosent seem to make a difference. 这是我的数据库处理程序类中的方法,起初我以为是因为我要关闭“ IF”中的游标,但是这似乎有所不同。

public Cursor getChanges(String constraintPassed) {

        String [] columns = new String[]{KEY_ROWID, KEY_NAME, KEY_TEL, KEY_EMAIL, KEY_COMMENTS};
        Cursor c = null;
         if(constraintPassed == "" || constraintPassed.length() == 0)
             c = ourDatabase.query(DATABASE_TABLE, columns, null, null, null, KEY_NAME + " ASC", null); 



            c = ourDatabase.query(DATABASE_TABLE, columns, KEY_NAME + " LIKE'" + constraintPassed + "%'", null, null, null, KEY_NAME + " ASC", null);


        if( c != null)
                return c;

        return null;


You should use this after the filtration : 您应该在过滤后使用它:


where EfficientAdapter is your Adapter class. 其中EfficientAdapter是您的Adapter类。

Hope this will work for you. 希望这对您有用。

Try replacing the line 尝试更换线




in your onTextChanged method. 在您的onTextChanged方法中。

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