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Jvector map,如何聚焦于一个标记?

[英]Jvector map, how to focus on a marker?

Another frustrating issue I have with Jvectormap, I wish to focus on a Marker on page/map load via lngLat, how would I do this? Jvectormap 的另一个令人沮丧的问题是,我希望通过 lngLat 专注于页面/地图加载上的标记,我该怎么做? Ideally it would be good to say focus on this marker or focus on latlng.理想情况下,最好说 focus on this marker 或 focus on latlng。 I will only be displaying 1 marker per map but I won't know the x/y just the lngLat or possibly countrycode.我将只显示每个 map 的 1 个标记,但我不知道 x/y 只是 lngLat 或国家代码。 There might be an easier way altogether to do this so suggestions would be welcome.可能有一种更简单的方法可以做到这一点,因此欢迎提出建议。 Thanks for your help in advanced感谢您在高级方面的帮助

  var markers = [ {latLng: [47.774099, -52.793427], name: "loc 1", label: "This blahblah"}]
                  map: 'world_mill_en',
                  scale: ['#C8EEFF', '#0071A4'],
                  normalizeFunction: 'polynomial',
                  hoverOpacity: 0.7,
                  hoverColor: false,
                  markerStyle: {
                    initial: {
                          fill: '#F8E23B',
                          stroke: '#383f47'
                  backgroundColor: '#383f47',
                  markers: markers,
                    latLng: [47.774099, -52.793427],
                    scale: 5
                  onMarkerLabelShow: function(event, label, index) {
                       label.html( ''+markers[index].label+'');            

I needed the same thing as you and came across your unanswered question. 我需要和你一样的东西,并且遇到了你未解决的问题。 This is the code I wrote (slash copied, pasted & modified from jVectorMap source) to solve the problem for myself. 这是我写的代码(斜杠复制,粘贴和修改jVectorMap源码)来解决我自己的问题。 I hope you and others find it helpful. 我希望你和其他人觉得它很有帮助。

Simply pass the scale, longitude, and latitude to setFocusLatLng. 只需将比例,经度和纬度传递给setFocusLatLng即可。

I may attempt to get this or something similar accepted into the jVectorMap project on GitHub, so there may be a better way to do this later. 我可能会尝试将这个或类似的内容接受到GitHub上的jVectorMap项目中,因此以后可能有更好的方法来执行此操作。

Disclaimer: Points on the edge of the map will not be centered. 免责声明:地图边缘的点不会居中。 They should be in the view, though. 不过,他们应该在视野中。

EDIT: As requested, here is the whole thing on jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/BryanTheScott/rs7H5/ 编辑:根据要求,这是jsfiddle的全部内容: http//jsfiddle.net/BryanTheScott/rs7H5/

EDIT: Also added the rest of the JS below: 编辑:还添加了以下JS的其余部分:

    var smallMap = $('#my_map_container').vectorMap({
        map: 'world_mill_en',
        zoomOnScroll: true,
        regionStyle: {
            initial: {
                fill: '#222222',
                "fill-opacity": 1,
                stroke: '#444444',
                "stroke-width": 1,
                "stroke-opacity": 0.7
            hover: {
                "fill-opacity": 0.8,
                fill: '#333333'
        markerStyle: {
            initial: {
                fill: "#000000",
                "stroke": "#7FC556",
                "stroke-width": 2,
                r: 3
        markers: [[37.770172,-122.422771]]

    var mapObj = $('#my_map_container').vectorMap('get', 'mapObject');

    mapObj.setFocusLatLng = function(scale, lat, lng){
        var point,
            proj = jvm.WorldMap.maps[this.params.map].projection,
            centralMeridian = proj.centralMeridian,
            width = this.width - this.baseTransX * 2 * this.baseScale,
            height = this.height - this.baseTransY * 2 * this.baseScale,
            scaleFactor = this.scale / this.baseScale,

        if (lng < (-180 + centralMeridian)) {
            lng += 360;

        point = jvm.Proj[proj.type](lat, lng, centralMeridian);

        inset = this.getInsetForPoint(point.x, point.y);
        if (inset) {
            bbox = inset.bbox;

            centerX = (point.x - bbox[0].x) / (bbox[1].x - bbox[0].x);
            centerY = (point.y - bbox[0].y) / (bbox[1].y - bbox[0].y);

            this.setFocus(scale, centerX, centerY);

    mapObj.setFocusLatLng(5, 37.770172,-122.422771);

Very late to the party here, but I needed a way to center on a marker even after the map had initially loaded, and here is what I came up with:这里的派对已经很晚了,但即使在 map 最初加载之后,我也需要一种方法来以标记为中心,这就是我想出的:

var yourMapHere = $(yourMapObject).vectorMap('get', 'mapObject');
var point = yourMapHere.latLngToPoint(yourMarkerLat, yourMarkerLng);

var x = yourMapHere.transX - point.x / yourMapHere.scale;
var y = yourMapHere.transY - point.y / yourMapHere.scale;

yourMapHere.setScale(yourScaleValueHere, x, y, true, true);


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