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[英]Using the Select method for dynamic queries and expression trees

I am attempting to create a dynamic query using expression trees to match the following statement: 我试图使用表达式树创建一个动态查询来匹配以下语句:

var items = data.Where(i => i.CoverageType == 2).Select(i => i.LimitSelected);

I can create the where method and get a result from it; 我可以创建where方法并从中获取结果; however, I cannot create the select method. 但是,我无法创建select方法。

Here is my where method: 这是我的where方法:

var parm = Expression.Parameter(typeof(BaseClassData), "baseCoverage");

var queryData = data.AsQueryable();

var left = Expression.Property(parm, "CoverageType");
var right = Expression.Constant(2m);
var e1 = Expression.Equal(left, right);

var whereMethod = Expression.Call(
    new Type[] { queryData.ElementType }, 
    Expression.Lambda<Func<BaseClassData, bool>>(e1, new ParameterExpression[] { parm }));

This is what I am using for the select method: 这是我用于select方法的内容:

var selectParm = Expression.Property(parm, "LimitSelected");
     var selectMethod = Expression.Call(
        new Type[]{typeof(BaseClassData), typeof(decimal)},
        Expression.Lambda<Func<BaseClassData, decimal>>(selectParm, new ParameterExpression[]{ parm})


When I run the code I get this error: 当我运行代码时,我收到此错误:

No generic method 'Select' on type 'System.Linq.Enumerable' is compatible with the supplied type arguments and arguments. 类型'System.Linq.Enumerable'上没有泛型方法'Select'与提供的类型参数和参数兼容。 No type arguments should be provided if the method is non-generic. 如果方法是非泛型的,则不应提供类型参数。

I have also tried changing Enumerable to Queryable and I get the same error. 我也尝试将Enumerable更改为Queryable,我得到了同样的错误。

No need to use Expression.Call, you can directly construct Expression Tree instead; 无需使用Expression.Call,您可以直接构造表达式树; I have create a static method which help me generate dynamic query: 我创建了一个静态方法来帮助我生成动态查询:

public static void Test(string[] args) {
  using (var db = new DBContext()) {
    //query 1
    var query1 = db.PrizeTypes.Where(m => m.rewards == 1000).Select(t => t.name);

    //query 2 which equal to query 1
    Expression<Func<PrizeType, bool>> predicate1 = m => m.rewards == 1000;
    Expression<Func<PrizeType, string>> selector1 = t => t.name;
    var query2 = db.PrizeTypes.Where(predicate1).Select(selector1);

    //query 3 which equal to query 1 and 2
    Expression<Func<PrizeType, bool>> predicate2 = GetPredicateEqual<PrizeType>("rewards", (Int16)1000);
    Expression<Func<PrizeType, string>> selector2 = GetSelector<PrizeType, string>("name");
    var query3 = db.PrizeTypes.Where(predicate2).Select(selector2);

    //as you can see, query 1 will equal query 2 equal query 3

public static Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> GetPredicateEqual<TEntity>(string fieldName, object fieldValue) where TEntity : class {
  ParameterExpression m = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "t");
  var p = m.Type.GetProperty(fieldName);
  BinaryExpression body = Expression.Equal(
    Expression.Property(m, fieldName),
    Expression.Constant(fieldValue, p.PropertyType)
  return Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>>(body, m);

public static Expression<Func<T, TReturn>> GetSelector<T, TReturn>(string fieldName)
  where T : class
  where TReturn : class {
  var t = typeof(TReturn);
  ParameterExpression p = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "t");
  var body = Expression.Property(p, fieldName);
  return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, TReturn>>(body, new ParameterExpression[] { p });

This might help with the error you describe above. 这可能有助于您在上面描述的错误。

You don't need to create your own where/select however, the ones built into c#/linq work just fine with your own classes: 你不需要创建自己的where / select,但是c#/ linq中内置的那些对你自己的类工作得很好:

void Main()
    List<testdata> data = new List<testdata>();
    Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\").ToList().ForEach(x=>data.Add(new testdata(){file=x,returnable=1}));

class testdata
    public string file {get; set;}
    public string returnable {get; set;}

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