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[英]Creating a custom widget in Dojo, error calling functions within the new widget?

The issue is i am following the tutorial here and the functionality of the new widget work fine until i hover over the widget where a this._changeBackground method is being called from "on" listeners, i get the error TypeError: this._changeBackground is not a function 问题是我在这里遵循教程并且新小部件的功能正常工作,直到我将鼠标悬停在从“on”侦听器调用this._changeBackground方法的小部件上,我得到错误TypeError: this._changeBackground is not a function

The final code as implemented from tutorial looks like this: 从教程实现的最终代码如下所示:

define(["dojo/_base/declare","dijit/_WidgetBase", "dijit/_TemplatedMixin", "dojo/text!/JS/Allatus/Test.html", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/_base/fx", "dojo/_base/lang","dojo/on"],
    function(declare, WidgetBase, TemplatedMixin, template, domStyle, baseFx, lang , on){
        return declare([WidgetBase, TemplatedMixin], {
            // Some default values for our author
            // These typically map to whatever you're handing into the constructor
            name: "No Name",
            // Using require.toUrl, we can get a path to our AuthorWidget's space
            // and we want to have a default avatar, just in case
            avatar: require.toUrl("JS/Allatus/custom/android_vector.jpg"),

           bio: "",

            // Our template - important!
            templateString: template,

            // A class to be applied to the root node in our template
            baseClass: "authorWidget",

            // A reference to our background animation
            mouseAnim: null,

            // Colors for our background animation
            baseBackgroundColor: "#fff",
            mouseBackgroundColor: "#def",
            postCreate: function(){
    // Get a DOM node reference for the root of our widget
    var domNode = this.domNode;

    // Run any parent postCreate processes - can be done at any point

    // Set our DOM node's background color to white -
    // smoothes out the mouseenter/leave event animations
    domStyle.set(domNode, "backgroundColor", this.baseBackgroundColor);
    // Set up our mouseenter/leave events - using dojo/on
    // means that our callback will execute with `this` set to our widget
    on(domNode, "mouseenter", function (e) {
    on(domNode, "mouseleave", function (e) {
_changeBackground: function(toCol) {
    // If we have an animation, stop it
    if (this.mouseAnim) { this.mouseAnim.stop(); }

    // Set up the new animation
    this.mouseAnim = baseFx.animateProperty({
        node: this.domNode,
        properties: {
            backgroundColor: toCol
        onEnd: lang.hitch(this, function() {
            // Clean up our mouseAnim property
            this.mouseAnim = null;
_setAvatarAttr: function(av) {
    // We only want to set it if it's a non-empty string
    if (av != "") {
        // Save it on our widget instance - note that
        // we're using _set, to support anyone using
        // our widget's Watch functionality, to watch values change
        this._set("avatar", av);

        // Using our avatarNode attach point, set its src value
        this.avatarNode.src = av;

Any Ideas Why I cant call another function within my customize widget ? 任何想法为什么我不能在我的自定义小部件中调用另一个函数? is that just a bug or i am doing something wrong? 这只是一个错误或我做错了什么?

Your mouseEnter function is being called outside the scope of your widget (scope in JS refers to the value of the "this" variable). 您的mouseEnter函数在窗口小部件范围之外被调用(JS中的范围指的是“this”变量的值)。 This is a common problem and dojo has a simple solution, the function lang.hitch can be used to tie a function to a certain scope. 这是一个常见问题,dojo有一个简单的解决方案,函数lang.hitch可用于将函数绑定到某个范围。 (and more, I would recommending reading the docs on it). (还有更多,我建议阅读上面的文档)。 Here's how you should use it in this scenario : 以下是在这种情况下应该如何使用它:

// Set up our mouseenter/leave events - using dojo/on
// means that our callback will execute with `this` set to our widget
on(domNode, "mouseenter", lang.hitch(this, function (e) {
on(domNode, "mouseleave", lang.hitch(this, function (e) {

The scope of this by default in on callbacks is window. 范围this默认情况下, on回调的窗口。 Since you want the scope to be the widget itself, you need to import dojo/_base/lang and use the lang#hitch function to explicitly set the scope of the callback 由于您希望范围是窗口小部件本身,因此需要导入dojo/_base/lang并使用lang#hitch dojo/_base/lang函数显式设置回调范围

on(domNode, "mouseenter", lang.hitch(this,function (e) {
on(domNode, "mouseleave", lang.hitch(this,function (e) {

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