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[英]NetBeans made jar file won't launch by double clicking

I know this problem has been discussed many times here. 我知道这个问题已经在这里讨论了很多次。 I am running on MAC with OSX 10.7.4 and NetBeans 7.2.1 我在OSX 10.7.4和NetBeans 7.2.1的MAC上运行

I don't know if this is a new wrinkle or not, I'm a java newbie. 我不知道这是不是新皱纹,我是Java新手。 In any event with my project selected in the projects window it shows the project: 无论如何,只要在项目窗口中选择了我的项目,它就会显示该项目:

Idealizer -> Source Packages -> components-> AlsRun.java, GraphingData.java, Idealizer.java, jButtonListenerExample.java . Idealizer -> Source Packages -> components-> AlsRun.java, GraphingData.java, Idealizer.java, jButtonListenerExample.java

AlsRun is the main class. AlsRun是主要的类。 I can run the code from within the IDE or by zipping up dist and moving it anywhere and typing: java -jar "Idealizer.jar " (from within "dist"). 我可以从IDE内运行代码,也可以通过压缩dist并将其移动到任何地方并键入以下代码来运行代码: java -jar "Idealizer.jar ”(从“ dist”内部)。

On the other discussions of this problem it seemed that MANIFEST.MF was implicated. 关于此问题的其他讨论似乎与MANIFEST.MF有关。 MANIFEST.MF appears correct: MANIFEST.MF似乎正确:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.8.3
Created-By: 1.6.0_35-b10-428-11M3811 (Apple Inc.)
X-COMMENT: Main-Class will be added automatically by build
Main-Class: components.AlsRun

I believe that the following are two big hints. 我相信以下是两个重要提示。

Big Hint 1 : 大提示1

When I run the code from the command line the program takes over and the program name that appears on the screen is "components.AlsRun" . 当我从命令行运行代码时,程序将接管程序,并且屏幕上显示的程序名称为“ components.AlsRun”。 When I attempt to launch it by double clicking (from the finder) a program is launched and the name that appears is "AlsRun". 当我尝试通过双击(从查找器)启动它时,将启动一个程序,出现的名称为“ AlsRun”。 The program that is launched in the latter case does nothing and I can only kill it from within "force quit". 在后一种情况下启动的程序没有任何作用,我只能在“强制退出”范围内将其杀死。

Big Hint 2 : 大提示2

After writing the last sentence I asked myself how to kill it from the command line. 写完最后一句话后,我问自己如何从命令行中删除它。 If I ran the program by double clicking and then ran ps -A | grep java 如果我双击运行程序,然后运行ps -A | grep java ps -A | grep java it returned the following: ps -A | grep java它返回以下内容:

33383 ?? 0:00.84 /Library/Internet Plug-ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java

- jar /Users/pearson/NetBeansProjects/Idealizer/dist/Idealizer.jar -jar /用户/皮尔逊/NetBeansProjects/Idealizer/dist/Idealizer.jar

When I run the program from the command line and then do ps -A | grep java 当我从命令行运行程序,然后执行ps -A | grep java ps -A | grep java it returns ps -A | grep java它返回

33394 ttys001    0:01.46 /usr/bin/java -jar Idealizer.jar

It runs different versions of java depending on if I launch it by double clicking or the command line. 它运行不同版本的Java,具体取决于我是通过双击还是通过命令行启动它。

Apparently NetBeans thinks I am creating an "Applet" which is different than an Application? 显然NetBeans认为我正在创建一个与Application不同的“ Applet”?

I am at a loss here. 我在这里茫然。 The shortest version of the code that produces the error for me is: 产生错误的最短代码版本是:

package components; 
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;

public class AlsRun {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
    int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(null);        


Following the instructions here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/javase/javatomac3-137430.html 请按照此处的说明进行操作: http : //www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/javase/javatomac3-137430.html

fixed the problem. 解决了问题。

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