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[英]Is there a way to specify a subset of type parameters in Scala, inferring the rest?


class X[A <: Throwable, B, C](b: B, c: C)


val x = new X(3, 4)

这给了我一个X [Nothing,Int,Int] - 经常是我想要的。

但我有时想将A指定为Nothing以外的东西(比如说AssertionError)。 如果没有指定B和C,这是否可行。我想象的语法如下:

val x = new X[AssertionError](3, 4)
val x = new X[AssertionError, _, _](3, 4)
val x = new X[AssertionError,,](3, 4)



我主要担心的是在使用时简化这一点(我不希望为每次使用定义新类型,因为异常类型通常不同)。 我发现我可以使用伴侣对象来建造一个中间工厂:

class X[A <: Throwable, B, C](b: B, c: C) {

trait XFactory[A <: Throwable] {
  def apply[B, C](b: B, c: C): X[A, B, C]

object X {
  def apply[A <: Throwable: Manifest](): XFactory[A] = {
    new XFactory[A] {
      override def apply[B, C](b: B, c: C): X[A, B, C] = {
        new X(b, c)

val x = X[AssertionError].apply(3,3)



scala> class X[A <: Throwable, B, C](b: B, c: C)
defined class X

scala> class Builder[A <: Throwable] {
     |   def apply[B, C](b: B, c: C) = new X[A,B,C](b,c)
     | }
defined class Builder

scala> def X[A <: Throwable]: Builder[A] = new Builder[A]
X: [A <: Throwable]=> Builder[A]

scala> val x = X[AssertionError](3, 4)
x: X[AssertionError,Int,Int] = X@2fc709


Welcome to Scala version 2.10.0-20121205-235900-18481cef9b (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_15).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

scala> case class X[A <: Throwable, B, C](b: B, c: C)
defined class X

scala> type P[A,B] = ({type l[a,b] = X[AssertionError, a, b]})#l[A,B]
defined type alias P

scala> val x = new P(1,2)
x: X[AssertionError,Int,Int] = X(1,2)

尽管如此,正如Frank S. Thomas建议的那样,定义一个类型别名是一种方法。


scala> class X[A <: Throwable, B, C](b: B, c: C)
defined class X

scala> type XAssertionError[B, C] = X[AssertionError, B, C]
defined type alias XAssertionError

scala> val x = new XAssertionError(3,4)
x: X[java.lang.AssertionError,Int,Int] = X@22fe135d


scala> class X[A <: Throwable, B, C](b: B, c: C, clz:Class[_ <: A] = classOf[Nothing])
defined class X

scala> new X(1,2)
res0: X[Nothing,Int,Int] = X@16de4e1

scala> new X(1,2, classOf[AssertionError])
res1: X[AssertionError,Int,Int] = X@1e41869


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