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[英]cellForRowAtIndexPath: being called immediately while numberOfRowsInSection: is not called

I've encountered this issue a few times after the reloadData method on a UITableView is invoked, and I haven't figured out why?

This is a problem because if the data of table view is updated, the tableview will unnecessarily query the cell on a non-existent row. It is non-existent, because the numberOfRowsInSection: somehow is not called before this is happening.

Is it affected by how the reloadData method is being invoked? (It is invoked on the main thread, not anywhere else).


cellForRowAtIndexPath: could be invoked by other means such as querying visibleCells. It may be the case that this isn't part of reloadData.

调用此方法以重新加载用于构造表的所有数据,包括单元格,节的页眉和页脚,索引数组等。 为了提高效率,表视图仅重新显示那些可见的行。 如果表由于重新加载而缩小,则会调整偏移量。 当表视图的委托或数据源希望表视图完全重新加载其数据时,将调用此方法。 不应在插入或删除行的方法中调用它,尤其是在通过调用beginUpdates和endUpdates实现的动画块中

根据apples文档,reloadData仅重新加载可见的单元格。 如果您没有正确使用单元格标识符,则可能会出现问题。

这仍然可能是线程问题。 在调用reloadData之前,检查是否在主线程上运行,如果不是,请在主队列上运行dispatch_sync。



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