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[英]php - imagecopyresampled

我正在尝试使用jcrop允许用户创建其图像的缩略图,它将为190x190 pixels

jcrop似乎正在工作,并向我发送了正确的坐标。 但是, imagecopyresampled似乎表现得非常不可预测,并且无法满足我的期望。 这是我的代码:

$destWidth = $destHeight = 190;
$jpeg_quality = 90;
$path = Yii::app()->basePath."/../images/user/";
$src = $path.$model->image;

$img_src = imagecreatefromjpeg($src);
$img_dest = ImageCreateTrueColor( $destWidth, $destHeight );

$img_dest, //destination image
$img_src, //source image
0, //top left coordinate of the destination image in x direction
0, //top left coordinate of the destination image in y direction
$_POST['x'], //top left coordinate in x direction of source image that I want copying to start at
$_POST['y'], //top left coordinate in y direction of source image that I want copying to start at
$destWidth, //190, thumbnail width
$destHeight, //190, thumbnail height
$_POST['w'], //how wide the rectangle from the source image we want thumbnailed is
$_POST['h'] //how high the rectangle from the source image we want thumbnailed is


我很不知所措,我检查了四个$_POST变量都正确输入了,但是由于某种原因,我无法获得正确的缩略图。 我可以肯定地说的是,缩略图通常放大得太多,并且我想从其开始的左上角没有被使用。

这是我的最终源代码。 我发现我的CSS与我的代码冲突,因为它允许的最大高度为550px,最大宽度为700px。 这会导致较大的图像具有错误的宽度和/或高度。 因此,在这些情况下,我必须根据图像的纵横比以及CSS如何调整其大小来添加一个乘数。

        $destWidth = $destHeight = 190;
        $jpeg_quality = 90;

        $path = Yii::app()->basePath."/../images/user/";
        $src = $path.$model->image;
        $img_src = imagecreatefromjpeg($src);
        $img_dest = ImageCreateTrueColor( $destWidth, $destHeight );

        // IMPORTANT!! 
        // If you change the max-width or max-height in the css, you MUST change them here too!!
        $maxWidth = 700;
        $maxHeight = 550;

        $srcWidth = imagesx($img_src);
        $srcHeight = imagesy($img_src);
        $srcRatio = $srcWidth/$srcHeight;
        $mult = 1;

        //if the image is wider than the max allowed width AND has a wider aspect ratio than a max height + max width image
        if ($srcWidth > $maxWidth && $srcRatio > $maxWidth/$maxHeight) {
            $mult = $srcWidth/$maxWidth;
        //else if the image is taller than the max height
        } else if ($srcHeight > $maxHeight) {
            $mult = $srcHeight/$maxHeight;

            $img_dest, //destination image
            $img_src, //source image
            0, //top left coordinate of the destination image in x direction
            0, //top left coordinate of the destination image in y direction
            $_POST['x']*$mult, //top left coordinate in x direction of source image that I want copying to start at
            $_POST['y']*$mult, //top left coordinate in y direction of source image that I want copying to start at
            $destWidth, //190, thumbnail width
            $destHeight, //190, thumbnail height
            $_POST['w']*$mult, //how wide the rectangle from the source image we want thumbnailed is
            $_POST['h']*$mult //how high the rectangle from the source image we want thumbnailed is



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