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ajax-php 星级评分系统(只显示来自 mysql 数据库的平均日期)

[英]ajax-php star rating system (just show the average date from mysql databse)

我需要一个评级系统来显示 php 中的平均评级。 我完成了评级过程(保存和更新过程)。 我只需要在 php 中显示平均评分(使用 php-Ajax 评分系统)。

当我从数据库中检索数据时,我遇到了错误。 代码是这样的:

    $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
        echo "Connection to the Database Console was Unsuccessful";
    $select = mysql_select_db("oilandgas13",$con);
        echo "Connection to the Database was Unsuccessful";

$add_coun= "SELECT sum(rating) sum, count(id) count from comments WHERE item_id = $itemID AND status=1";
        $result = mysql_query($add_coun,$con);
        echo "query was not successfully";  
        $result = mysql_fetch_object($result);
        $sum = $result->sum;
        $count = $result->count;
        $rating = $sum / $count;
        echo $rating;


警告:mysql_fetch_object():在第 19 行的 C:\\wamp\\www\\final work_apr51\\final work_apr51\\calculation.php 中提供的参数不是有效的 MySQL 结果资源

警告:在 C:\\wamp\\www\\final work_apr51\\final work_apr51\\calculation.php 第 23 行被零除


    $link = mysqli_connect("localhost","mysqlusername","mysqlpassword","dbname");
    $rating = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']);
    $q = mysqli_query($link,"SELECT * FROM ratings WHERE id='{$rating}'"); //Get our ratings by the page that has rated

    //Die if id dont exist!
    if(mysqli_num_rows($q) == 0) die("Wrong page id!");

    //Select good & bad ratings
    $good = mysqli_query($link,"SELECT * FROM ratings WHERE id='{$rating}' AND value ='yes'");
    $bad = mysqli_query($link,"SELECT * FROM ratings WHERE id='{$rating}' AND value ='no'");

    //Count good & bad ratings
    $gcnt = mysqli_num_rows($good);
    $bcnt = mysqli_num_rows($bad);

    $totalVotes = $gcnt + $bcnt;

    if($totalVotes == 0){
      echo $totalVotes." votes";
    if($totalVotes > 0){
      echo "<font color='green'>".$totalVotes." votes</font>";
    if($totalVotes < 0){
      echo "<font color='red'>".$totalVotes." votes</font>";


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