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[英]jQuery - Remove Next, Prev Buttons from Slider

我尝试搜索此内容,但找不到与之直接相关的内容。 我是jQuery / Java的新手,所以将不胜感激! 谢谢!

我有一个自定义滑块,在功能上可以处理3张幻灯片,并且我正在使用jQuery在幻灯片之间来回切换。 每张幻灯片的宽度均为1040px。 每个幻灯片都相对放置,并且向左浮动。



$(".button-right").click(function() {
    $(".portfolioSection").animate({left: "-=1040" }, "slow");
}); });

$(".button-left").click(function() {
    $(".portfolioSection").animate({left: "+=1040" }, "slow");
}); });


<div class="portfolioImg" style="background-image: url(images/featured-flushed.jpg);">
    <div class="portfolioImgOver">
        <div class="button-right">Next</div>
        <div class="button-left">Back</div>
        <div class="portfolioSection">
            <div class="finley"></div>
            <div class="portfolioContent">
                <h2>Flushed</h2><br/><br/>Flushed was a project planned for release on mobile platforms.<br /><br />My responsibilities for Flushed included: establishing a visual direction for the game, creating stylized 3D models, and developing technical game art, including textures, user interfaces and sprite sheets.<br /><br />I also worked with another artist to guide and assist with creating concept art, story mechanics and level designs.<br /><br /><span style="font-size:10px; color:#aaa;">Flushed is owned by Applied Studios, LLC.</span>

        <div class="portfolioSection">
            <div class="portfolioContent">
                <h2>WHOA! Another div</h2><br/><br/>Here is some crazy cool stuff that I bet you thought you would never see.

        <div class="portfolioSection">
            <div class="portfolioContent">
                <h2>WHOA! Another div</h2><br/><br/>Here is some crazy cool stuff that I bet you thought you would never see. 

        <div class="clear"></div>



<style>.portfolioImg {width:1040px; height:600px; background-color:#efefef; margin-bottom:150px; z-index:1; overflow:hidden;}.portfolioImgOver{width:2080px; height:600px; background: rgba(25,25,25,.94);margin-bottom:150px; display:none; z-index:2; left:0px; position:relative;}.portfolioSection{width:1040px; height:600px; position:relative; float:left;}.portfolioContent{width:300px; color:#dedede; padding:40px; float:left; line-height:22px;}.portfolioContent a{color:#dedede; border-bottom:dotted 1px #888; padding-bottom:1px; text-decoration:none;}.button-right {width:60px; background:#333; color:#fff; padding:10px; position:absolute; z-index:3; right:1040px; top:300px; cursor:pointer; transition: all 0.6s ease 0s; -webkit-transition: all 0.6s ease 0s;}.button-right:hover {background:#777; transition: all 0.6s ease 0s; -webkit-transition: all 0.6s ease 0s;}.button-left {width:60px; background:#333; color:#fff; padding:10px; position:absolute; z-index:3; left:0px; top:300px; cursor:pointer; transition: all 0.6s ease 0s; -webkit-transition: all 0.6s ease 0s;}.button-left:hover {background:#777; transition: all 0.6s ease 0s; -webkit-transition: all 0.6s ease 0s;}</style>



尝试为幻灯片设置一个变量(可能在数组中),然后检查它是否为第一个变量,隐藏左按钮。 如果是最后一个,则隐藏右键。



    var sec = $('.portfolioSection'), secwidth = sec.width(), unit = 1040;

    $(".button-right").click(function() {
        var left = sec.css('left');
        left = Math.abs(parseInt(left.substring(0, left.length - 2)))
        if(left + unit >= secwidth){

        sec.animate({left: "-=" + unit }, "slow");

    $(".button-left").click(function() {
        var left = sec.css('left');
        if(left == '-' + unit + 'px'){
        sec.animate({left: "+=" + unit }, "slow");

演示: 小提琴

设置状态变量。 1是第一张幻灯片,2是第二张幻灯片,依此类推。 在每个键上按加1或减1。之后,您可以执行以下操作:

if(variable == 1)$('.button-left').hide()


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