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播放2.1 Json特质序列化

[英]Play 2.1 Json serialization of traits

Play 2.1(Json.format [...])中的实验性“ Inception”功能仅适用于案例类(请参见此处 )。 如何写隐含特征的自定义格式。 我有以下构造:

sealed trait Plan {
  def id: String
  def name: String
  def apps: Int
  def users: Int
  def testruns: Int
  def price: Int
  def prio: Int


case class Start(
                  id: String = "start",
                  name: String = "Start",
                  apps: Int = 1,
                  users: Int = 1,
                  testruns: Int = 10,
                  price: Int = 99,
                  prio: Int = 30) extends Plan

case class Pro(
                id: String = "pro",
                name: String = "Pro",
                apps: Int = 2,
                users: Int = 5,
                testruns: Int = 25,
                price: Int = 299,
                prio: Int = 20) extends Plan

case class Premium(
                    id: String = "premium",
                    name: String = "Premium",
                    apps: Int = -1,
                    users: Int = -1,
                    testruns: Int = -1,
                    price: Int = 799,
                    prio: Int = 10) extends Plan

现在,我需要在“计划”伴随对象中编写我的自定义隐式格式val。 我试过了:

object Plan {
  implicit val planFormats = (
    (__ \ "id").format[String] and
    (__ \ "name").format[String] and
    (__ \ "apps").format[Int] and
    (__ \ "users").format[Int] and
    (__ \ "testruns").format[Int] and
    (__ \ "price").format[Int] and
    (__ \ "prio").format[Int]
  )(Plan.apply, unlift(Plan.unapply))

但是,特征没有适用或不适用的方法。 在Play 2.1中为json序列化提供隐式val的正确方法是什么?



object Plan {
  def apply(id: String, name: String, ...) = id match {
    case "pro" => new Pro(id, name, ...)

  def unapply(p: Person): Option[(String, String, ...)] = ...



case class Plan (
  id: String,
  name: String,
  apps: Int,
  users: Int,
  testruns: Int,
  price: Int,
  prio: Int

val start = new Plan("start", "Start", 1, 1, 10, 99, 30)
val pro = new Plan("pro", "Pro", 2, 5, 25, 299, 20)
val premium = new Plan("premium", "Premium", -1, -1, -1, 799, 10)


object Plan {
  implicit val planFormats = (
    (__ \ "id").format[String] and
    (__ \ "name").format[String] and
    (__ \ "apps").format[Int] and
    (__ \ "users").format[Int] and
    (__ \ "testruns").format[Int] and
    (__ \ "price").format[Int] and
    (__ \ "prio").format[Int]
  )(Plan.apply, unlift(Plan.unapply))


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