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[英]In C# I want to check a dictionary against multiple keys

经过大量的教程之后,我有点想做我的第一手程序。 它或多或少是一个控制台程序,可在其中键入句子并执行操作。


到目前为止,我一直在使用ContainsKey()检查一次键。 我真正想做的是使用另一个字典,一个列表或一个数组来保存一串要在字典中运行的键。


{ "hi", "hey", "hello" }

我希望程序为每个输出相同的文本。 对于要检查字典的每个单词,必须有一个单独的if语句更好的方法。

我已经在这个主题上进行了一些网络搜索,并且继续阅读有关IEqualityComparer但是老实说,这听起来像是我无法承受的。 还有另一种方法可以做到这一点,还是我应该跳入IEqualityComparer并尝试用我不理解的东西弄乱我的方式?

class MainClass
    static string Line;

    public static void Main (string[] args)

        while (true) {
            if (Line == null){
                Console.WriteLine ("Enter Input");
            WordChecker ();

    public static void WordChecker()
        string inputString = Console.ReadLine ();
        inputString = inputString.ToLower();
        string[] stripChars = { 
            ";", ",", ".", "-", "_", "^", "(", ")", "[", "]", "0", "1", "2",
            "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "\n", "\t", "\r" 

        foreach (string character in stripChars)
            inputString = inputString.Replace(character, "");

        // Split on spaces into a List of strings
        List<string> wordList = inputString.Split(' ').ToList();

        // Define and remove stopwords
        string[] stopwords = new string[] { "and", "the", "she", "for", "this", "you", "but" };
        foreach (string word in stopwords)
            // While there's still an instance of a stopword in the wordList, remove it.
            // If we don't use a while loop on this each call to Remove simply removes a single
            // instance of the stopword from our wordList, and we can't call Replace on the
            // entire string (as opposed to the individual words in the string) as it's
            // too indiscriminate (i.e. removing 'and' will turn words like 'bandage' into 'bdage'!)
            while ( wordList.Contains(word) )

        // Create a new Dictionary object
        Dictionary<string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, int>();

        // Loop over all over the words in our wordList...
        foreach (string word in wordList)
            // If the length of the word is at least three letters...
            if (word.Length >= 3)
                // ...check if the dictionary already has the word.
                if ( dictionary.ContainsKey(word) )
                    // If we already have the word in the dictionary, increment the count of how many times it appears
                    // Otherwise, if it's a new word then add it to the dictionary with an initial count of 1
                    dictionary[word] = 1;
            if (dictionary.ContainsKey ("math")) {
                Console.WriteLine ("What do you want me to math?");
                Math ();
            {Console.WriteLine("You said something about fruit");}

    public static void Math()
        Console.WriteLine ("input a number");
        string input = Console.ReadLine ();
        decimal a = Convert.ToDecimal (input);

        Console.WriteLine("Tell me math function");
        string mFunction = Console.ReadLine();

        Console.WriteLine ("tell me another number");
        string inputB = Console.ReadLine();
        decimal b = Convert.ToDecimal (inputB);

        if (mFunction == "add")
            Console.WriteLine (a + b);
        else if (mFunction == "subtract")
            Console.WriteLine (a - b);
        else if (mFunction == "multiply")
            Console.WriteLine (a * b);
        else if (mFunction == "divide")
            Console.WriteLine (a / b);
            Console.WriteLine ("not a math");

    public static void Greetings()


注意:我在网上找到了一个示例,提供了动态字典和单词解析器,并对其做了一些修改以满足我的需要。 我不会自己提出它,但是我确实感觉自己理解其中的代码。


这是使用一个保存密钥的字典的示例。 多个值可以映射到同一键。 如果这不是您想要的,也许您可​​以弄清楚自己正在苦苦挣扎的是什么?

Dictionary<string, string> keyLookup = new Dictionary<string, string>();
keyLookup["hey"] = "greeting";
keyLookup["hi"] = "greeting";
keyLookup["hello"] = "greeting";

Dictionary<string, int> wordLookup = new Dictionary<string, int>();
wordLookup["greeting"] = 1;

public int GetWordCount(string word)
    string foundKey = keyLookup[word];
    int numOccurences = wordLookup[foundKey];
    return numOccurences;


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