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[英]Why does this function give an error when run, but not if copied to console?


var animation;
var e;
var myPath;
var paper = Raphael(document.getElementById('svgArea'), 600, 400);
e = paper.circle(106.117, 82.076, 5, 5).attr({
    stroke: "none",
    fill: 'red'
var path = 'M106.117,82.076c0,0,227.487-121.053,183.042,22.222c-44.445,143.275-95.322,83.041-95.322,83.041L106.117,82.076z';
myPath = paper.path(path).attr({
    stroke: 'black',
        "stroke-width": 2,
        "stroke-opacity": 0.2
animation = setInterval("animate()", 10); //execute the animation function all 10ms (change the value for another speed)
var counter = 0; // a counter that counts animation steps

function animate() {
    if (myPath.getTotalLength() <= counter) { //break as soon as the total length is reached
        counter = 0;
    var pos = myPath.getPointAtLength(counter); //get the position (see Raphael docs)
        cx: pos.x,
        cy: pos.y
    }); //set the circle position
    counter++; // count the step counter one up


animation = setInterval(animate, 10);

当您将其作为字符串传递时,settimeout调用从动画调用中删除范围。 何时设置动画是全局的并不重要,但是一旦包含在函数中就可以了。 如果关闭函数中的动画调用,它将仍然具有动画引用,并且应该可以工作。

animation = setInterval(function(){ animate(); }, 10);


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