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[英]How to assign C# dynamic variable properties to another dynamic object?


    internal static object CreateInstanceWithParam(Type t, dynamic d)
        //dynamic obj =  t.GetConstructor(new Type[] { d }).Invoke(new object[] { d });

        dynamic obj =  t.GetConstructor(new Type[] { }).Invoke(new object[] { });
        foreach (var prop in d.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
            //prop.GetValue(d, null);

            // assign the properties and corresponding values to newly created object ???
        return obj;


IUser user = (IUser)CreateInstanceWithParam(userType, new { UserID = 0, Name = "user abc", LoginCode = "abc", DefaultPassword = "xxxxxx" });

IUnit newUnit = (IUnit)CreateInstanceWithParam(unitType, new { ID = 3, Code = "In", Name = "Inch", Points = "72" })



internal static object CreateInstanceWithParam(Type type, object source)
    object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
    foreach (var sourceProperty in d.GetType()
                                    .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | 
        var targetProperty = type.GetProperty(sourceProperty.Name);
        // TODO: Check that the property is writable, non-static etc
        if (targetProperty != null)
            object value = sourceProperty.GetValue(source);
            targetProperty.SetValue(instance, value);
    return instance;

实际上,使用dynamic在这里可能是一件坏事 ; 您传入的对象是匿名类型的实例 - 不需要dynamic 特别是, dynamic成员访问与反射不同,并且您无法保证描述为dynamic的对象将从.GetType().GetProperties()返回任何有趣的内容.GetType().GetProperties() ; 考虑ExpandoObject

但是, FastMember (在NuGet上可用)可能很有用:

internal static object CreateInstanceWithParam(Type type, object template)
    TypeAccessor target = TypeAccessor.Create(type),
        source = TypeAccessor.Create(template.GetType());
    if (!target.CreateNewSupported)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot create new instance");
    if (!source.GetMembersSupported)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot enumerate members");
    object obj = target.CreateNew();
    foreach (var member in source.GetMembers())
        target[obj, member.Name] = source[template, member.Name];
    return obj;

特别是,这可以像使用反射API一样轻松地使用dynamic API,并且您通常不会看到差异。


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