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如何使用VBA按样式解析MS Word文档

[英]How to parse MS Word document by style with VBA

我正在尝试浏览MSWord文档,并用样式“问题”拉出所有段落,然后在文档末尾重新打印它们。 任何建议都将非常有帮助-这就是我的意思(我认为所有步骤都在那里,我只是在VBA格式化方面遇到了麻烦)。

Sub PullQuestions()
    ' PullQuestions Macro
    Dim curPar As Paragraph

    ' numLists = ActiveDocument.ListParagraphs.Count

    ' reprints each question on a new line at end of document'
    For Each curPar In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
        If curPar.Selection.Style = "Question" Then
            Selection.TypeText (curPar & vbCr)
        End If
    End Sub

我认为您会发现搜索功能可能对您更有效。 以下代码将搜索文档,并将值放入数组,然后将其放在文档末尾。 它还将设置段落样式以反映原始样式。 请注意,如果继续使用文档末尾应用到输出的样式来运行该输出,则会得到讨厌的输出。


Sub SearchStyles()
    Dim iCount As Integer, iArrayCount As Integer, bFound As Boolean

    'We'll store our result in an array so set this up (assume 50 entries)
    ReDim sArray(1 To iArrayCount) As String
    iArrayCount = 50

    'State your Style type
    sMyStyle = "Heading 1"

    'Always start at the top of the document
    Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory

    'Set your search parameters and look for the first instance
    With Selection.Find
        .Text = ""
        .Replacement.Text = ""
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindContinue
        .Format = False
        .MatchCase = False
        .MatchWholeWord = False
        .MatchKashida = False
        .MatchDiacritics = False
        .MatchAlefHamza = False
        .MatchControl = False
        .MatchByte = False
        .MatchAllWordForms = False
        .MatchSoundsLike = False
        .MatchFuzzy = False
        .MatchWildcards = True
        .Style = sMyStyle
    End With

    'If we find one then we can set off a loop to keep checking
    'I always put a counter in to avoid endless loops for one reason or another
    Do While Selection.Find.Found = True And iCount < 1000
        iCount = iCount + 1

        'If we have a result then add the text to the array
        If Selection.Find.Found Then
            bFound = True

            'We do a check on the array and resize if necessary (more efficient than resizing every loop
            If ii Mod iArrayCount = 0 Then ReDim Preserve sArray(1 To UBound(sArray) + iArrayCount)
            sArray(iCount) = Selection.Text

            'Reset the find parameters
        End If

    'Finalise the array to the actual size
    ReDim Preserve sArray(1 To iCount)

    If bFound Then
        'Output to the end of the document
        For ii = LBound(sArray) To UBound(sArray)
            Selection.Text = sArray(ii)
            Selection.Range.Style = sMyStyle
            Selection.MoveRight wdCharacter, 1
            If ii < UBound(sArray) Then Selection.TypeParagraph
        Next ii
    End If
End Sub


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