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[英]How do I perform search with filters in PHP?

我需要以不同的方式指定6个不同的搜索过滤器,以使用php在mysql数据库中进行搜索。 我对如何处理感到困惑。




<input type='text' name='searchterm' />

<select name='ind' class='custom-select'>
    <option value='0'> Select Industry</option>
    <option value='1'> Real Estate </option>
    <option value='2'> Hospitality / Hotel / Tourism / Travel & Aviation </option>
    <option value='3'> Financial Services / Banking </option>

<select name='spec' class='custom-select'>
    <option value='0'> Select Specialization</option>
    <option value='1'> Accounting / Banking & Finance / Insurance </option>
    <option value='2'> Administration / Management / Executive </option>
    <option value='3'> Architecture / Construction  / Civil </option>

<select name='loc' class='custom-select'>
    <option value='0'> Select Location</option>
    <option value='1'> Lagos </option>

完整的HTML代码在这里: http : //jsbin.com/otibel/1/




function performSearchWithFilter(){
    if ( ($_GET['ind'] > 0) && (isset($_GET['ind'])) && ( $_GET['spec'] <= 0) && ( $_GET['loc'] <= 0 ) && ( $_GET['workexp'] <= 0 )  && ( $_GET['type'] <= 0 ) && ( $_GET['qualfctn'] <= 0 ) ){
        //it will carry out the search, when just the ind select box has been selected
    } else if ( ($_GET['ind'] <= 0) && ($_GET['spec'] > 0) && isset($_GET['spec']) && ( $_GET['loc'] <= 0 ) && ( $_GET['workexp'] <= 0 )  && ( $_GET['type'] <= 0 ) && ( $_GET['qualfctn'] <= 0 ) ) {
        //it will carry out the search, when just the spec select box has been selected
    }  else if ( ($_GET['ind'] <= 0) && ($_GET['spec'] <= 0) && ($_GET['loc'] > 0) && (isset($_GET['loc'])) && ( $_GET['workexp'] <= 0 )  && ( $_GET['type'] <= 0 ) && ( $_GET['qualfctn'] <= 0 ) ) {
        //it will carry out the search, when just the loc select box has been selected
    } else if ( ($_GET['ind'] <= 0) && ($_GET['spec'] <= 0) && ($_GET['loc'] <= 0) && ($_GET['workexp'] > 0) && isset($_GET['workexp'])  && ( $_GET['type'] <= 0 ) && ( $_GET['qualfctn'] <= 0 ) ) {
        //it will carry out the search, when just the workexp select box has been selected
    } else if ( ($_GET['ind'] <= 0) && ($_GET['spec'] <= 0) && ($_GET['loc'] <= 0) && ($_GET['workexp'] <= 0) && ($_GET['type'] > 0) && isset($_GET['type']) && ( $_GET['qualfctn'] <= 0 ) )  {
        //it will carry out the search, when just the type select box has been selected
    } else if ( ($_GET['ind'] <= 0) && ($_GET['spec'] <= 0) && ($_GET['loc'] <= 0) && ($_GET['workexp'] <= 0) && ($_GET['type'] <= 0) && ($_GET['qualfctn'] > 0) && isset($_GET['qualfctn']) ) {
        //it will carry out the search, when just the qualfctn select box has been selected



ind, spec, loc, workexp, type, qualfctn, ind & spec, ind & loc, ind & workexp, ind & type, ind & qualfctn, spec & loc, spec & workexp, spec & type, spec & qualfctn, loc & workexp, loc & type, loc & qualfctn, workexp & type, workexp & qualfctn, type & qualfctn, ind & spec & loc & workexp & type & qualfctn, ind & spec & loc & workexp & type, ind & spec & loc & workexp, ind & spec & loc.


PHP中的什么Search Plugin,Framework或Librbary可以为我做到这一点,使用多个过滤器进行搜索,并最大程度地减少我编写的代码量,因此,我不必开始编写大量的代码,也不需要重新设计轮子再次,我真的对如何做和如何做感到困惑。

读取所有变量的代码有些冗长,但是一旦读取它们,就可以通过简单的查询语句来运行搜索。 正如注释中所述,我已经对数据库表的结构进行了一些假设,并且自然需要初始化数据库连接。

// this code assumes that $link has been initialized as a mysqli object 
// with database connection open.   
// assuming database table name is "people"
// assuming database table column names match the names of GET variables
// if any of these assumptions are incorrect, you'll need to modify the 
// code to match the DB

// initialize WHERE conditions
$conditions = "1=1";

// test for ind
if(isset($_GET['ind']) && ($_GET['ind'] > 0)) {
    $conditions .= " AND ind='".$link->real_escape_string($_GET['ind'])."'";

// test for spec
if(isset($_GET['spec']) && ($_GET['spec'] > 0)) {
    $conditions .= " AND spec='".$link->real_escape_string($_GET['spec'])."'";

// test for loc
if(isset($_GET['loc']) && ($_GET['loc'] > 0)) {
    $conditions .= " AND loc='".$link->real_escape_string($_GET['loc'])."'";

// test for workexp
if(isset($_GET['workexp']) && ($_GET['workexp'] > 0)) {
    $conditions .= " AND workexp='".$link->real_escape_string($_GET['workexp'])."'";

// test for type
if(isset($_GET['type']) && ($_GET['type'] > 0)) {
    $conditions .= " AND type='".$link->real_escape_string($_GET['type'])."'";

// test for qualfctn
if(isset($_GET['qualfctn']) && ($_GET['qualfctn'] > 0)) {
    $conditions .= " AND qualfctn='".$link->real_escape_string($_GET['qualfctn'])."'";

// make sure we have at least one condition
if(!$first) {
    if(!$result = $link->query("
        SELECT *
        FROM people
        WHERE ".$conditions
    )) {
        // your error handling here

    // read the results here



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