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[英]How to read text file from memorystream without missing bytes

我正在编写一些代码来学习新的C#异步设计模式。 因此,我想编写一个小的Windows窗体程序,该程序可以计算文本文件的行数和单词数并显示阅读进度。


问题是我无法正确更新进度条。 我读了一个文件,但始终缺少字节,因此进度条无法完全填满。

需要帮助或想法来实现这一目标。 谢谢

public async Task Processfile(string fname)

  MemoryStream m;
  fname.File2MemoryStream(out m); // custom extension which read file into
                                  // MemoryStream

  int flen = (int)m.Length;       // store File length
  string line = string.Empty;     // used later to read lines from streamreader

  int linelen = 0;                // store current line bytes
  int readed = 0;                 // total bytes read

    progressBar1.Minimum = 0;     // progressbar bound to winforms ui
    progressBar1.Maximum = flen;

    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(m)) // build streamreader from ms

       while ( ! sr.EndOfStream ) // tried ( line = await sr.ReadLineAsync() ) != null

          line = await sr.ReadLineAsync();

            await Task.Run(() =>

              linelen = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(line).Length;  // get & update
              readed += linelen;                              // bytes read

                                                         // custom function
              Report(new Tuple<int, int>(flen, readed)); // implements Iprogress
                                                         // to feed progress bar


        m.Close();    //  releases MemoryStream
        m = null;            

分配给油轮的总长度包括每行的回车符。 ReadLineAsync()函数返回不包含回车符的字符串。 我的猜测是,进度栏中丢失的字节数与读取的文件中的回车数成正比。


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