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为什么在使用Windows ReadFile读取数据后解析数据时,性能这么慢?

[英]Why such slow performance when parsing data after it is read in using Windows ReadFile?

我正在以几种方式运行性能测试,以在C#.Net中执行文件IO。 我执行的两个任务是将文本文件完整地读入缓冲区,然后解析该文件。 数据是带有标题记录的制表符分隔记录,但这并不重要。

测试中唯一不同的是用于从文件中读取数据的方法。 解析代码是相同的。 但是,一种文件读取方法(对Windows API ReadFile的直接调用)比另一种文件读取方法(File.ReadAllBytes)快1.4倍,但是此后,使用ReadFile读取的文件的解析时间比应用于数据时要长2.5倍。使用File.ReadAllBytes读取!

调用ReadFile涉及固定和取消固定内存以及不安全的代码。 这是否导致性能下降? 有办法解决吗? 调用ReadFile的更好方法? 这是我的测试代码循环。 我没有显示解析代码,但其所有工作仅限于扫描IO缓冲区,查找制表符和CRLF分隔符以及创建字符串。 它本身没有不安全的代码,也没有对外部方法的任何调用,除了String类和Encoding类以及泛型List之外。

private void mctlReadFileButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //MessageBox.Show(Separator, "Record Delimiter");
    var timer = new Stopwatch();
    var timer2 = new Stopwatch();
    int bufferSize = 128 * 1024 * 1024;
    byte[] ByteBuf = new byte[bufferSize];
    WinFileIO WFIO = null;

    double readTimeTotal = 0;
    double parseTimeTotal = 0;

    int loopCount = RepeatCount;

    mctlTimeTextBox.Text = "Running...";
    mctlTimeToParseTextBox.Text = "Running...";

    for (var i = 0; i < loopCount; i++)
        switch (IOMethod)
            case "Windows API":
                WFIO = new WinFileIO(ByteBuf);

            case "File.ReadAllBytes":
                ByteBuf = File.ReadAllBytes(FileName);
        readTimeTotal += (double)timer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0;

        if (ParseFile)
            var parser = new ColumnSelector(new List<String>() 
            "AcctID", "Policy#", "Location ID", "TIV", "LOSS Gross", "State"
            var columns = parser.Select();
        if (WFIO != null)
        parseTimeTotal += (double)timer2.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0;

    var timeMsg = "" + loopCount + " times. " + readTimeTotal + " sec";
    mctlTimeTextBox.Text = timeMsg;

    timeMsg = "" + loopCount + " times. " + parseTimeTotal + " sec";
    mctlTimeToParseTextBox.Text = timeMsg;


Windows ReadFile函数的调用依赖于Robert G. Bryan编写的一些示例代码。 这是他的WinFileIO类。 我不相信我有任何修改。

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace Win32FileIO
    unsafe public class WinFileIO : IDisposable
        // This class provides the capability to utilize the ReadFile and Writefile windows IO functions.  These functions
        // are the most efficient way to perform file I/O from C# or even C++.  The constructor with the buffer and buffer
        // size should usually be called to init this class.  PinBuffer is provided as an alternative.  The reason for this
        // is because a pointer needs to be obtained before the ReadFile or WriteFile functions are called.
        // Error handling - In each public function of this class where an error can occur, an ApplicationException is
        // thrown with the Win32Exception message info if an error is detected.  If no exception is thrown, then a normal
        // return is considered success.
        // This code is not thread safe.  Thread control primitives need to be added if running this in a multi-threaded
        // environment.
        // The recommended and fastest function for reading from a file is to call the ReadBlocks method.
        // The recommended and fastest function for writing to a file is to call the WriteBlocks method.
        // License and disclaimer:
        // This software is free to use by any individual or entity for any endeavor for profit or not.
        // Even though this code has been tested and automated unit tests are provided, there is no gaurantee that
        // it will run correctly with your system or environment.  I am not responsible for any failure and you agree
        // that you accept any and all risk for using this software.
        // Written by Robert G. Bryan in Feb, 2011.
        // Constants required to handle file I/O:
        private const uint GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000;
        private const uint GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000;
        private const uint OPEN_EXISTING = 3;
        private const uint CREATE_ALWAYS = 2;
        private const int BlockSize = 65536;
        private GCHandle gchBuf;            // Handle to GCHandle object used to pin the I/O buffer in memory.
        private System.IntPtr pHandle;      // Handle to the file to be read from or written to.
        private void* pBuffer;              // Pointer to the buffer used to perform I/O.

        // Define the Windows system functions that are called by this class via COM Interop:
        [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError = true)]
        static extern unsafe System.IntPtr CreateFile
             string FileName,          // file name
             uint DesiredAccess,       // access mode
             uint ShareMode,           // share mode
             uint SecurityAttributes,  // Security Attributes
             uint CreationDisposition, // how to create
             uint FlagsAndAttributes,  // file attributes
             int hTemplateFile         // handle to template file

        [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError = true)]
        static extern unsafe bool ReadFile
             System.IntPtr hFile,      // handle to file
             void* pBuffer,            // data buffer
             int NumberOfBytesToRead,  // number of bytes to read
             int* pNumberOfBytesRead,  // number of bytes read
             int Overlapped            // overlapped buffer which is used for async I/O.  Not used here.

        [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError = true)]
        static extern unsafe bool WriteFile
            IntPtr handle,                     // handle to file
            void* pBuffer,             // data buffer
            int NumberOfBytesToWrite,    // Number of bytes to write.
            int* pNumberOfBytesWritten,// Number of bytes that were written..
            int Overlapped                     // Overlapped buffer which is used for async I/O.  Not used here.

        [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError = true)]
        static extern unsafe bool CloseHandle
             System.IntPtr hObject     // handle to object

        public WinFileIO()
            pHandle = IntPtr.Zero;

        public WinFileIO(Array Buffer)
            // This constructor is provided so that the buffer can be pinned in memory.
            // Cleanup must be called in order to unpin the buffer.
            pHandle = IntPtr.Zero;

        protected void Dispose(bool disposing)
            // This function frees up the unmanaged resources of this class.

        public void Dispose()
            // This method should be called to clean everything up.
            // Tell the GC not to finalize since clean up has already been done.

            // Finalizer gets called by the garbage collector if the user did not call Dispose.

        public void PinBuffer(Array Buffer)
            // This function must be called to pin the buffer in memory before any file I/O is done.
            // This shows how to pin a buffer in memory for an extended period of time without using
            // the "Fixed" statement.  Pinning a buffer in memory can take some cycles, so this technique
            // is helpful when doing quite a bit of file I/O.
            // Make sure we don't leak memory if this function was called before and the UnPinBuffer was not called.
            gchBuf = GCHandle.Alloc(Buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            IntPtr pAddr = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(Buffer, 0);
            // pBuffer is the pointer used for all of the I/O functions in this class.
            pBuffer = (void*)pAddr.ToPointer();

        public void UnpinBuffer()
            // This function unpins the buffer and needs to be called before a new buffer is pinned or
            // when disposing of this object.  It does not need to be called directly since the code in Dispose
            // or PinBuffer will automatically call this function.
            if (gchBuf.IsAllocated)

        public void OpenForReading(string FileName)
            // This function uses the Windows API CreateFile function to open an existing file.
            // A return value of true indicates success.
            pHandle = CreateFile(FileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
            if (pHandle == System.IntPtr.Zero)
                Win32Exception WE = new Win32Exception();
                ApplicationException AE = new ApplicationException("WinFileIO:OpenForReading - Could not open file " +
                  FileName + " - " + WE.Message);
                throw AE;

        public void OpenForWriting(string FileName)
            // This function uses the Windows API CreateFile function to open an existing file.
            // If the file exists, it will be overwritten.
            pHandle = CreateFile(FileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0);
            if (pHandle == System.IntPtr.Zero)
                Win32Exception WE = new Win32Exception();
                ApplicationException AE = new ApplicationException("WinFileIO:OpenForWriting - Could not open file " +
                    FileName + " - " + WE.Message);
                throw AE;

        public int Read(int BytesToRead)
            // This function reads in a file up to BytesToRead using the Windows API function ReadFile.  The return value
            // is the number of bytes read.
            int BytesRead = 0;
            if (!ReadFile(pHandle, pBuffer, BytesToRead, &BytesRead, 0))
                Win32Exception WE = new Win32Exception();
                ApplicationException AE = new ApplicationException("WinFileIO:Read - Error occurred reading a file. - " +
                throw AE;
            return BytesRead;

        public int ReadUntilEOF()
            // This function reads in chunks at a time instead of the entire file.  Make sure the file is <= 2GB.
            // Also, if the buffer is not large enough to read the file, then an ApplicationException will be thrown.
            // No check is made to see if the buffer is large enough to hold the file.  If this is needed, then
            // use the ReadBlocks function below.
            int BytesReadInBlock = 0, BytesRead = 0;
            byte* pBuf = (byte*)pBuffer;
            // Do until there are no more bytes to read or the buffer is full.
            for (; ; )
                if (!ReadFile(pHandle, pBuf, BlockSize, &BytesReadInBlock, 0))
                    // This is an error condition.  The error msg can be obtained by creating a Win32Exception and
                    // using the Message property to obtain a description of the error that was encountered.
                    Win32Exception WE = new Win32Exception();
                    ApplicationException AE = new ApplicationException("WinFileIO:ReadUntilEOF - Error occurred reading a file. - "
                        + WE.Message);
                    throw AE;
                if (BytesReadInBlock == 0)
                BytesRead += BytesReadInBlock;
                pBuf += BytesReadInBlock;
            return BytesRead;

        public int ReadBlocks(int BytesToRead)
            // This function reads a total of BytesToRead at a time.  There is a limit of 2gb per call.
            int BytesReadInBlock = 0, BytesRead = 0, BlockByteSize;
            byte* pBuf = (byte*)pBuffer;
            // Do until there are no more bytes to read or the buffer is full.
                BlockByteSize = Math.Min(BlockSize, BytesToRead - BytesRead);
                if (!ReadFile(pHandle, pBuf, BlockByteSize, &BytesReadInBlock, 0))
                    Win32Exception WE = new Win32Exception();
                    ApplicationException AE = new ApplicationException("WinFileIO:ReadBytes - Error occurred reading a file. - "
                        + WE.Message);
                    throw AE;
                if (BytesReadInBlock == 0)
                BytesRead += BytesReadInBlock;
                pBuf += BytesReadInBlock;
            } while (BytesRead < BytesToRead);
            return BytesRead;

        public int Write(int BytesToWrite)
            // Writes out the file in one swoop using the Windows WriteFile function.
            int NumberOfBytesWritten;
            if (!WriteFile(pHandle, pBuffer, BytesToWrite, &NumberOfBytesWritten, 0))
                Win32Exception WE = new Win32Exception();
                ApplicationException AE = new ApplicationException("WinFileIO:Write - Error occurred writing a file. - " +
                throw AE;
            return NumberOfBytesWritten;

        public int WriteBlocks(int NumBytesToWrite)
            // This function writes out chunks at a time instead of the entire file.  This is the fastest write function,
            // perhaps because the block size is an even multiple of the sector size.
            int BytesWritten = 0, BytesToWrite, RemainingBytes, BytesOutput = 0;
            byte* pBuf = (byte*)pBuffer;
            RemainingBytes = NumBytesToWrite;
            // Do until there are no more bytes to write.
                BytesToWrite = Math.Min(RemainingBytes, BlockSize);
                if (!WriteFile(pHandle, pBuf, BytesToWrite, &BytesWritten, 0))
                    // This is an error condition.  The error msg can be obtained by creating a Win32Exception and
                    // using the Message property to obtain a description of the error that was encountered.
                    Win32Exception WE = new Win32Exception();
                    ApplicationException AE = new ApplicationException("WinFileIO:WriteBlocks - Error occurred writing a file. - "
                        + WE.Message);
                    throw AE;
                pBuf += BytesToWrite;
                BytesOutput += BytesToWrite;
                RemainingBytes -= BytesToWrite;
            } while (RemainingBytes > 0);
            return BytesOutput;

        public bool Close()
            // This function closes the file handle.
            bool Success = true;
            if (pHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                Success = CloseHandle(pHandle);
                pHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
            return Success;

注意:我尝试将WFIO.Dispose移到WFIO.Close之后,但是没有什么区别。 同样,我尝试重复使用相同的WFIO对象。

File.ReadAllBytes读取文件并返回与文件大小完全相同的数组。 也就是说,如果文件的长度为94,864字节,则您的缓冲区将为byte[94864]

您使用Windows I / O读取文件的代码希望您传递一个足够大的缓冲区来保存文件。 您正在传递一个128K长的缓冲区。 因此,如果文件小于该文件,那么最后将有一堆空白。




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