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[英]JavaScript scope with JSON object

单击元素时将调用此函数。 它根据单击的元素创建一个字符串,然后在JSON对象中查找与该字符串关联的值。 然后它会提醒该值。 以下是它的外观:

function alertHelp(){
    var option = $(this).context.parentNode.textContent.substring(0, $(this).context.parentNode.textContent.length - 2);
    $.getJSON("Messages.json", function(json, option) {

我发现该选项设置正确,但是当传递给函数时,警报被更改。 如果我在alert(json[object]);之前alert(option) alert(json[object]); ,我得到一个简单地说“成功”的警报。 不确定是什么。 alert(json[option])只是警告“未定义”。


    "Space Control": "Red = a square black controls. Green = a square white controls. Yellow = a square contested by both players",
    "Legal Moves": "Click on a piece and a blue dot will appear on all the squares that piece can move to",
    "PieceFlair": "When you move a piece, all the pieces that come under attack as a direct result of the piece you moved will pulse white",
    "Forks": "All the moves that would result in a simultaneous attack of two pieces are shown",
    "Pins": "Not yet implemented"

你已经通过function参数option “遮蔽”你的var option option ,试试这个:

var text = $(this).context.parentNode.textContent;
var option = text.substring(0, text.length - 2);

$.getJSON("Messages.json", function(json, status) {
    alert(status);  // success


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