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[英]Whats wrong in my pattern string (Regular expression C#)

我遇到了字符串解析问题,并想通过正则表达式解决她。 总是作为输入,我得到的字符串相同:%function_name%(IN:param1,...,paramN; OUT:param1,...,paramN)


string pattern = @"[A-za-z][A-za-z0-9]*\\(IN:\\s*(([A-za-z][A-za-z0-9](,|;))+|;)\\s*OUT:(\\s*[A-za-z][A-za-z0-9],?)*\\)";

此模式检测到我的输入字符串,但实际上作为输出,我希望有两个字符串数组。 其中之一必须包含INPUT参数(在“ IN:”之后) IN: param1, ..., paramN和第二个数组必须具有输出参数的名称。 参数可以包含数字和“ _”。


Add_func(IN:port_0,in_port_1; OUT:out_port99)

Some_func(IN:; OUT:abc_P1)

Some_func2(IN:input_portA; OUT :)



(?<funcName>\w+)\(IN: ?|OUT: ?|\G(?<inParam>[^,;()]+)?(?=[^)(;]*;)\s*[,;]\s*|\G(?<outParam>[^,()]+)(?=[^;]*\s*\))\s*[,)]\s*


    (?<funcName>\w+)\(IN: ?  # capture the function name and match "(IN: "
  |                          # OR
    OUT: ?                   # match "OUT: "
  |                          # OR
    \G(?<inParam>[^,;()]+)?  # contiguous match, that captures a IN param
    (?=[^)(;]*;)             # check that it is always followed by ";"
    \s*[,;]\s*               # match "," or ";" (to be always contiguous)
  |                          # OR
    \G(?<outParam>[^,()]+)?  # contiguous match, that captures a OUT param 
    (?=[^;]*\s*\))           # check that it is always followed by ")"
    \s*[,)]\s*               # match "," (to be always contiguous) or ")"



static void Main(string[] args)
    string subject = @"Add_func(IN: port_0, in_port_1; OUT: out_port99)
        Some_func(IN:;OUT: abc_P1)
        shift_data(IN:po1_p0;OUT: po1_p1, po1_p2)
        Some_func2(IN: input_portA;OUT:)";
    string pattern = @"(?<funcName>\w+)\(IN: ?|OUT: ?|\G(?<inParam>[^,;()]+)?(?=[^)(;]*;)\s*[,;]\s*|\G(?<outParam>[^,()]+)(?=[^;]*\s*\))\s*[,)]\s*";
    Match m = Regex.Match(subject, pattern);
    while (m.Success)
        if (m.Groups["funcName"].ToString() != "")
            Console.WriteLine("\nfunction name: " + m.Groups["funcName"]);
        if (m.Groups["inParam"].ToString() != "")
            Console.WriteLine("IN param: " + m.Groups["inParam"]);
        if (m.Groups["outParam"].ToString() != "")
            Console.WriteLine("OUT param: "+m.Groups["outParam"]);
        m = m.NextMatch();



string pattern = @"(?<funcName>\w+)\(\s*IN:\s*(?<inParams>[^;]*?)\s*;\s*OUT\s*:\s*(?<outParams>[^)]*?)\s*\)";
Match m = Regex.Match(subject, pattern);
while (m.Success)
    string functionName = m.Groups["function name"].ToString();
    string[] inParams = Regex.Split(m.Groups["inParams"].ToString(), @"\s*,\s*");
    string[] outParams = Regex.Split(m.Groups["outParams"].ToString(), @"\s*,\s*");
    // Why not construct a "function" object to store all these values
    m = m.NextMatch();

实现此目的的方法是捕获组。 命名捕获组最容易使用:

// a regex surrounded by parens is a capturing group
// a regex surrounded by (?<name> ... ) is a named capturing group
// here I've tried to surround the relevant parts of the pattern with named groups
var pattern = @"[A-za-z][A-za-z0-9]*\(IN:\s*(((?<inValue>[A-za-z][A-za-z0-9])(,|;))+|;)\s*OUT:(\s*(?<outValue>[A-za-z][A-za-z0-9]),?)*\)";

// get all the matches. ExplicitCapture is just an optimization which tells the engine that it
// doesn't have to save state for non-named capturing groups
var matches = Regex.Matches(input: input, pattern: pattern, options: RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)
    // convert from IEnumerable to IEnumerable<Match>
     // for each match, select out the captured values
    .Select(m => new { 
        // m.Groups["inValue"] gets the named capturing group "inValue"
        // for groups that match multiple times in a single match (as in this case, we access
        // group.Captures, which records each capture of the group. .Cast converts to IEnumerable<T>,
        // at which point we can select out capture.Value, which is the actual captured text
        inValues = m.Groups["inValue"].Captures.Cast<Capture>().Select(c => c.Value).ToArray(),
        outValues = m.Groups["outValue"].Captures.Cast<Capture>().Select(c => c.Value).ToArray()



分组存在一些问题,并且您丢失了多个IN参数之间的空格。 您也不允许在示例中出现下划线。


Add_func(IN: port_0, in_port_1; OUT: out_port99)将捕获:

  • port_0, in_port_1out_port99

Some_func(IN:;OUT: abc_P1)将捕获:

  • ; abc_P1

Some_func2(IN: input_portA; OUT:)将捕获:

  • input_portA并为空。



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