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带有两个键的字典条目 - VB.net

[英]Dictionary entries with two keys - VB.net

.net 专家会推荐什么? 我有一段数据需要使用两个不同的密钥访问。 假设数据如下所示:



我真的很喜欢 LINQ 为代码添加的清晰性,但是……我已经将 LINQ 与循环检索情况中的字典进行了比较。 我不喜欢 LINQ,因为它看起来需要更多的时间来获取任何单个数据。 我喜欢字典,因为它们的检索速度非常快。




每当我向类的实例添加数据项时,该类都需要将数据添加到两个不同的支持字典中。 每次我删除一个数据项时,我都需要从两个支持字典中删除它们。

这是处理这个问题的最佳方法,还是 .net 中有一些快速的“类似字典”的数据结构,允许我对相同的数据有两个键?

这是处理这个问题的最佳方法,还是 .net 中有一些快速的“类似字典”的数据结构,允许我对相同的数据有两个键?


鉴于您想通过任一键(而不是同时)进行查找,使用封装了两个Dictionary(Of TKey, Of TValue)的自定义类是有意义的,前提是存储两个字典的开销不会令人反感。


Structure CKey
    Public Key1 As String
    Public Key2 As String
End Structure


Dim myDict As New Dictionary(Of CKey, String)

myDict.Add(New CKey() With {.Key1 = "key01", .Key2 = "key02"}, "Data0102")
myDict.Add(New CKey() With {.Key1 = "key11", .Key2 = "key12"}, "Data0103")
myDict.Add(New CKey() With {.Key1 = "key01", .Key2 = "key22"}, "Data0104")
myDict.Add(New CKey() With {.Key1 = "key11", .Key2 = "key22"}, "Data0105")

然后你可以运行一个简单的 LINQ 查询,如:

Dim result = From el In myDict Where el.Key.Key1 = "key01" Select el

如果您不喜欢 LINQ,您仍然可以在自己的方法中遍历字典,自己检查键。


所以有两件事需要考虑:你需要知道你使用哪个键进行搜索,以及添加和删除彼此旁边的条目。 我想你可以用一个共享子来添加和删除条目或者甚至一个类(对它们不太了解)来克服这些问题。



    Dim myDict As New Dictionary(Of String, Double)
    Dim myKeyDict As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    myDict.Add("key1", 5.5)
    myKeyDict.Add("key2", "key1")

    ' Access Dictionary with key1
    myDict("key1") = 7.7

    ' Acces Dictionary with key2
    Dim thisKey1 As String = myKeyDict("key2")  ' retrieve key1 with the help of key2
    Debug.Print(CStr(myDict(thisKey1)))         ' Acces the actuall dictionary with the retrieved key 1

所以我为一个字典创建了一个类,key1 为字符串,key2 为字符串,val 为 double,具有基本的输入和输出操作:

Public Class MultiKeyDictonaryDbl
    Public DictVal As New Dictionary(Of String, Double)         ' key1=Variablenname, val=Wert
    Public DictKey1 As New Dictionary(Of String, String)        ' key1=In/Output-Variablenname (Textdatei), key2=Variablenname
    Public DictKey2 As New Dictionary(Of String, String)        ' key2=In/Output-Variablenname (Textdatei), key1=Variablenname
    Public length As Integer
    Public Sub Add(key1 As String, key2 As String, val As Double)
        DictVal.Add(key1, val)
        DictKey1.Add(key1, key2)
        DictKey2.Add(key2, key1)
    End Sub
    Public Sub Remove(key As String, id As Integer)
        Dim key1 As String = Nothing
        Dim key2 As String = Nothing
        Dim chk As Boolean
        If id = 1 Then
            key1 = key
            chk = DictKey1.TryGetValue(key1, key2)
        ElseIf id = 2 Then
            key2 = key
            chk = DictKey2.TryGetValue(key2, key1)
        End If
        If chk = True Then
        End If
    End Sub
    Public Function getValue(key As String, id As Integer) As Double
        Dim key1 As String = Nothing
        Dim key2 As String = Nothing
        Dim chk As Boolean
        If id = 1 Then
            key1 = key : chk = True
        ElseIf id = 2 Then
            key2 = key
            chk = DictKey2.TryGetValue(key2, key1)
        End If
        If chk = True Then
            chk = DictVal.TryGetValue(key1, getValue)
        End If
        If chk = False Then getValue = Double.PositiveInfinity
    End Function
    Public Function getList() As String(,)
        Dim val As Double
        Dim key1 As String = Nothing
        Dim key2 As String = Nothing
        Dim i As Integer = -1
        ' getLength in one line of code
        length = -1 : Dim l1 As Integer = DictVal.Count : Dim l2 As Integer = DictKey1.Count : Dim l3 As Integer = DictKey2.Count : If l1 = l2 And l2 = l3 Then length = l1
        If length < 1 Then Exit Function
        Dim List(length - 1, 2) As String
        For Each ele In DictKey2
            i += 1
            key2 = ele.Key : key1 = DictKey2(key2) : val = DictVal(key1)
            List(i, 0) = key1 : List(i, 1) = key2 : List(i, 2) = CStr(val)
        getList = List
    End Function
    Public Function getLength() As Integer
        getLength = -1
        Dim l1 As Integer = DictVal.Count
        Dim l2 As Integer = DictKey1.Count
        Dim l3 As Integer = DictKey2.Count
        If l1 = l2 And l2 = l3 Then getLength = l1
        length = getLength
    End Function
End Class

Sub testDictionaryVariablenVerarbeitung()
    ' some tests
    Dim testit As New MultiKeyDictonaryDbl
    testit.Add("Variablenname", "In/Output-Variablenname", 55.7)
    testit.Add("Variablenname2", "In/Output-Variablenname2", 90.7)
    testit.Add("Blub", "dabdi", 916)
    testit.Remove("Variablenname", 1)

    Dim liste(,) As String = testit.getList
    Debug.Print(CStr(testit.getValue("Variablenname2", 1)))
    Debug.Print(CStr(testit.getValue("dabdi", 2)))
    Debug.Print(CStr(testit.getValue("dabdi", 1)))

End Sub

有点晚了,但是如何将 key1 与 key 2 连接起来,例如:


有了它,您始终可以轻松获取数据。 你可以像这样添加:

 Public DictVal As New Dictionary(Of String, String)

  DictVal.Add(key1 & key2, value)


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