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[英]Dictionary of classes that implement a generic interface


public interface IResolver<TIn, TOut> where ... {...}


public static ResolverFactory{

   public static IResover<TIn, TOut>  GetResolver<TIn, TOut> where ... ()
       //access some storage dictionary to return the correctly typed instance

如何创建这样一个包含IResover<Entity1, Entity2>IResolver<Entity3, Entity4>


public interface IResolver {} 
public interface IResolver<TIn, TOut> : IResolver where .... 


Dictionary<Type, Dictionary <Type, IResolver>> storage;

public RegisterResolver(IResolver resolver)
   //add to storage - how?

但是这种情况基本上使对通用参数的约束无效。 同样,在添加IResolver ,或多或少不可能获得IResolver<TIn, TOut>的泛型类型。



首先,我声明一个带有约束的IResolver<TIn, TOut>接口:

public interface IResolver<TIn, TOut>
    where TIn : Stream 


然后,我创建一个ResolverFactory ,其中的约束由RegisterResolverGetResolver方法强制实施。 对象的实际存储方式无关紧要,因为该存储未在类外部公开。 封装保持一致性:

public static class ResolverFactory
    private static Dictionary<Type, object> storage = new Dictionary<Type, object>();

    public static void RegisterResolver<TIn, TOut>(IResolver<TIn, TOut> resolver) where TIn : Stream 
        storage[typeof(IResolver<TIn, TOut>)] = resolver;

    public static IResolver<TIn, TOut> GetResolver<TIn, TOut>() where TIn : Stream
        return storage[typeof(IResolver<TIn, TOut>)] as IResolver<TIn, TOut>;

就像KooKiz的答案一样,但是没有强制转换,也没有字典。 用法类似。

//Rather than:
var res = ResolverFactory.GetResolver<Stream, Hat>();
//You Do:
var res = ResolverFactory<Stream, Hat>.GetResolver();


public interface IResolver<TIn, TOut>
    where TIn : Stream

//Still static, but now there is one per TIn,TOut pair
//so no need for dictionary, so also no need for casting.
public static class ResolverFactory<TIn, TOut> where TIn : Stream
    private static IResolver<TIn, TOut> _resolver;

    public static void RegisterResolver(IResolver<TIn, TOut> resolver)
        _resolver = resolver;

    public static IResolver<TIn, TOut> GetResolver()
        return _resolver;

internal class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        ResolverFactory<Stream, Hat>.RegisterResolver(new MyStreamToHatResolver());

        var res = ResolverFactory<Stream, Hat>.GetResolver();


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